The Criminal Investigation Department has launched an investigation into a file related to a case pending at Nugegoda Magistrate Courts going missing. The missing case file was related to an incident of a woman being subjected to an acid attack. The CID has questioned many officials working at the courts regarding the missing file. The [...]


CID on the trail of a missing case file By Ranjith Padmasiri


The Criminal Investigation Department has launched an investigation into a file related to a case pending at Nugegoda Magistrate Courts going missing.

The missing case file was related to an incident of a woman being subjected to an acid attack. The CID has questioned many officials working at the courts regarding the missing file.

The investigations were carried out according to the notification made by the Nugegoda Magistrate to the Judicial Services Commission.
It has been revealed that the case file which had been taken by an official for some work had gone missing following this.

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