“Senehase Samaja Sathkara,” a social service project organised by R M Manjula Swarnamali, the grama niladhari of Boralanda, Hinnarangolla, was conducted for the sixth time this year. 60 students from low-income families, and students with special needs received school books and stationery items as part of this project. The event was held on Tuesday (24) [...]


60 students gifted stationery


“Senehase Samaja Sathkara,” a social service project organised by R M Manjula Swarnamali, the grama niladhari of Boralanda, Hinnarangolla, was conducted for the sixth time this year. 60 students from low-income families, and students with special needs received school books and stationery items as part of this project.

The event was held on Tuesday (24) at the Hinnarangolla community hall. Ms Swarnamali has been carrying out her project ever since she took over as grama niladhari for Hinnarangolla. She implemented this project with the financial support of well-wishers in the area as well as Lankans based in the US.

Each child received school books and stationery amounting to Rs3,500 for the 2025 academic year.

Pix by K R Rajamanthri


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