The annual Christmas carols service organised by the Wattala Pradeshiya Sabha Public Library in Hendala was held this week. Pradeshiya Sabha secretary Sanjaya Bandara, chief management assistant Renuka Fernando, development officer Manoj Abeysinghe, Handala Sub-Office officer Dhammi Damayanathi, librarian U Rajitha Gangani and library staff were present. (Wattala Sarath Chinthaka)  

Sunday Times 2

Christmas carols in Hendala


The annual Christmas carols service organised by the Wattala Pradeshiya Sabha Public Library in Hendala was held this week.

Pradeshiya Sabha secretary Sanjaya Bandara, chief management assistant Renuka Fernando, development officer Manoj Abeysinghe, Handala Sub-Office officer Dhammi Damayanathi, librarian U Rajitha Gangani and library staff were present.

(Wattala Sarath Chinthaka)


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