Bollywood action thriller film ‘Baby John’ directed by Kalees that serves as an adaptation of Atlee’s 2016 Tamil film is now being screened in theatres around the country. Staring Varun Dhawan in the title role, alongside Keerthy Suresh (in her debut in Bollywood), Wamiqa Gabbi, Zara Zyanna and Jackie Shroff, ‘Baby John’ is produced under [...]


Bollywood thriller ‘Baby John’ in cinemas


Bollywood action thriller film ‘Baby John’ directed by Kalees that serves as an adaptation of Atlee’s 2016 Tamil film is now being screened in theatres around the country.

Staring Varun Dhawan in the title role, alongside Keerthy Suresh (in her debut in Bollywood), Wamiqa Gabbi, Zara Zyanna and Jackie Shroff, ‘Baby John’ is produced under Jio Studios, Cine1 Studios, Vipin Agnihotri Films and A for Apple Productions.

The story spins around John, who is a baker lives in Kerala with his daughter Khushi and his best friend Jackie. He befriends Khushi’s teacher Tara who eventually develops a crush on him. When Khushi messes with a sex-trafficking gang and goes to police station, an officer mistakes him as dead officer. He tells the officer that he is a normal and ordinary man. When they try to kill Khushi, John turns violent and a police officer in Kerala, reminds of his oldself. Tara eventually learns John is actually Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Satya Verma of Indian Police. Jackky who is also a head constable and Ram Sevak learns that Tara is in the police force and her real name is Adhira Verman IPS.

Baby John’ is imported by Aiswariya Films and Distributed by CEL, ‘Baby John’ released on December 25 is now being screened at CCC,PVR, Liberty , Majestic, Regal, KCC, Savoy and Islandwide Cinemas.

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