The Education Ministry has issued guidelines to be followed in making the Rs 6,000 payment for school books and supplies for children from Aswesuma recipient families. Under these guidelines, all schools with less than 300 students will be given the allowance, while in other schools; it will be only for students who qualify for the [...]


Guidelines issued on Rs 6,000 payment for school supplies


The Education Ministry has issued guidelines to be followed in making the Rs 6,000 payment for school books and supplies for children from Aswesuma recipient families.

Under these guidelines, all schools with less than 300 students will be given the allowance, while in other schools; it will be only for students who qualify for the programme.

The payments will be made after students register on an online portal titled Shishadara (school books and supplies). School principals can access and enter the relevant details under the beneficiary account. The deadline for registering the students is January 22.

Purchase of books and supplies will have to be made through suppliers registered with the ministry. Registered supplier details will be made available to principals, who will give the necessary information to students and their parents/guardians.

Once the students are registered, they will be granted a QR code which they can take to the registered shops and the purchases can be made using the code.

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