Commissioner General of Examinations Amith Jayasundara has ordered an inquiry into an incident regarding the closure of the exam centre at Dharmapala Vidyalaya, Pannipitiya, on Wednesday, over a dispute regarding the dress code of teachers attending to duties at the examination centre located at the school. The dispute had risen as the principal took up [...]


Inquiry into dispute on teachers’ dress code


Commissioner General of Examinations Amith Jayasundara has ordered an inquiry into an incident regarding the closure of the exam centre at Dharmapala Vidyalaya, Pannipitiya, on Wednesday, over a dispute regarding the dress code of teachers attending to duties at the examination centre located at the school.

The dispute had risen as the principal took up the position that teachers marking answer scripts should be dressed in saree as the centre is located within the school premises and was in operation during school hours.

The Ceylon Teachers’ Union (CTU) lodged a complaint with the Education Ministry Secretariat and the Examinations Commissioner General over the incident.

CTU General Secretary Joseph Stalin told Education Times that the principal should have allowed the teachers as they were not attending a school event, and the principal had no control over the examination centre which is under the Examinations Department.

The evaluation of the 2024 GCE Advanced Level (A/L) Combined Mathematics papers was underway.

He said the incident will delay the issuing of results.

Teachers and union members have sent a petition to the Examinations Commissioner General demanding that action be taken against the principal.

The Police too were called to resolve the matter, but they could not settle the issue as the principal insisted that teachers entering the school premises should be attired in saree.

Mr Stalin said it was uncomfortable for teachers to take part in the evaluation process from 7 am to 6 pm wearing sarees as there was only one fan functioning.

Mr Stalin said he had requested the Examinations Commissioner General and the Education Ministry Secretary to grant permission for teachers to wear appropriate attire in keeping with the school’s standards and enter the centre for work.

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