A blood donation campaign was held to mark the 68th birthday of Ven Pujya Pada Urapola Pemasiri Thero the Peliyagoda Rohana Vihara incumbent, Chief Sanghanayake of Gampaha division, and former principal of H K Dharmadasa Vidyalaya Peliyagoda. Organised by the students of Viharastha Sobitha Dhamma School and Sanhinda past pupils’ association, the event was held [...]

Sunday Times 2

Blood donation event


A blood donation campaign was held to mark the 68th birthday of Ven Pujya Pada Urapola Pemasiri Thero the Peliyagoda Rohana Vihara incumbent, Chief Sanghanayake of Gampaha division, and former principal of H K Dharmadasa Vidyalaya Peliyagoda.

Organised by the students of Viharastha Sobitha Dhamma School and Sanhinda past pupils’ association, the event was held on January 18 at the temple premises.

Doctors from the Colombo North Teaching Hospital (Ragama) Blood Bank, public health inspectors, nurses, and staff assisted at the event.

107 donors contributed at the event. They were given 5kg of Keeri samba rice each by the temple’s dayaka sabhawa and Sanhinda council.

Pictures show resident monk of Rohana Viharaya Beligalle Vajirasiri Thero donating blood, and principal of Sobhitha Dhamma School Mrs Suhadra handing over a bag of rice.

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