The accuracy, reliability, and accessibility of vital information for the public will improve now that the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) system was launched, top officials said at its launch on Wednesday. Highlighting the Ministry’s direction, Eranga Weeraratne, Deputy Minister of Digital Economy, said that digital transformation is not simply a trend for the [...]

Business Times

SL Digital Economy worth $10 billion in 5 years


The accuracy, reliability, and accessibility of vital information for the public will improve now that the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) system was launched, top officials said at its launch on Wednesday.

Highlighting the Ministry’s direction, Eranga Weeraratne, Deputy Minister of Digital Economy, said that digital transformation is not simply a trend for the government – it represents a meaningful change that could advance the economy to extraordinary heights.

Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) is not merely a buzzword – we recognise its importance and that it will constitute the groundwork for any digital transformation projects we pursue, he added noting that the Government aims for Sri Lanka’s digital economy to attain US $15 billion by 2030. The CRVS launch happened during the Sri Lanka Digital Public Infrastructure DPI Summit 2025 in Colombo. Meanwhile the Govpay scheme, enabling online payments to state institutions, was launched on Friday. Chief Advisor to the President on Digital Economy Dr. Hans Wijayasuriya presenting the Digital Economy Blueprint at the summit said that the Unique Digital Identity (UDI) and National (Federated) Data Exchange (NDE) are included in the digital public infrastructure.

In addition to the UDI and NDE, the digital public infrastructure includes payment, authentication, verifiable credentials, and digital signatures.

To ensure sustainable and favourable outcomes, business models must attract investment and concentrate on return on investment, Dr. Wijayasuriya said.

Sharing perspectives as a co-host of the Summit, Takafumi Kadono, ADB Country Director for Sri Lanka remarked, “Digital Public Infrastructure is a vital enabler of Digital Transformation. As our economies and societies undergo digitalisation, the Government is urged to deliver the high-speed digital frameworks and skills that this necessitates. We at ADB anticipate assisting Sri Lanka’s ambitions to evolve into a Digital Economy Powerhouse.”

The ‘Transforming Local Administrative Data Collection Systems for SDG Acceleration in Sri Lanka’ initiative was emphasised during the event. Spearheaded by the Government of Sri Lanka, executed by UNDP Sri Lanka and the World Health Organisation (WHO) in Sri Lanka, and financed by the UN Sri Lanka SDG Fund, the initiative exemplifies Sri Lanka’s dedication to utilising DPI for enhanced service provision, economic effectiveness, and citizen empowerment as a pioneering country in the 50-in-5 global campaign.

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