Sri Lanka‘s coal procurement process marred by irregularities and corruption in the recent past has been reviewed under the new administration and an amended tender has been issued recently to purchase 4.5 million metric tonnes (MT) by the Ministry of Energy (MOE) on behalf of the Lanka Coal Company (LCC) , The Chairman of the [...]

Business Times

New coal procurement tender issued amid past issues


Sri Lanka‘s coal procurement process marred by irregularities and corruption in the recent past has been reviewed under the new administration and an amended tender has been issued recently to purchase 4.5 million metric tonnes (MT) by the Ministry of Energy (MOE) on behalf of the Lanka Coal Company (LCC) ,

The Chairman of the Standing Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee (SCAPC) of the Ministry of Energy (MOE) has invited sealed bids for coal procurement for the Lakvijaya Power Plant in Puttalam, for the 2025/26 –2026/27 period, from interested bidders.

Accordingly, several amendments have been made to the original bidding documents issued on August 30, 2024 and a revised bidding document issued.

Therefore, the previously issued original bidding document is cancelled, and bidders who have already purchased the original document have been provided with the revised version free of charge. The deadline for bid submission has been extended to March 6, 2025.

The cancelled tender covering the periods 2024/’25 and 2025/’26, aimed  to secure a total volume of 2.25 million MT of coal.

Accordingly, the tender, which was initially scheduled to close on April 2, 2024 was first extended to May 2. It was then extended again, with the new closing date set for at June 24 and again extended to August 30 by the previous regime. It has now been cancelled.

According to Lanka Coal Company (LCC) Ltd. the tender process is continuing to select long-term coal suppliers with final selections expected within the next  three or four months.

The previous regime awarded the contract to Lanka Coal Ltd, for ongoing purchase of coal for the period of 2022-2025 for Lakvijaya Power Plant in Norochcholai to Black Sand Commodities FZ LLC,

This company had already unloaded 31 shipments out of 38 and it is nearing completion. At present more than 700,000 MT. of coal is available in stock, provisional data shows.

The Auditor General’s Department had announced that the coal procurement process that had been followed when awarding the tender to the Black Sands company had not been in line with the government’s tender procurement procedure guidelines.

As such, the Committee on Public Finance headed by Dr. Harsha De Silva during the previous regime recommended to suspend all the officials involved in the coal procurement procedure for at least one year.

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