Samson Insurance Brokers (SIB) has announced the appointment of Nimal Balawardhane as the Executive Director of the company. Known for his exceptional contributions to the insurance industry, Mr. Balawardhana will play a pivotal role in the company’s expansion, particularly in the area of life lnsurance brokering. the company said in a statement. With years of [...]

Business Times

Nimal Balawardhane, Executive Director at Samson Insurance Brokers


Mr. Nimal Balawardhane

Samson Insurance Brokers (SIB) has announced the appointment of Nimal Balawardhane as the Executive Director of the company.

Known for his exceptional contributions to the insurance industry, Mr. Balawardhana will play a pivotal role in the company’s expansion, particularly in the area of life lnsurance brokering. the company said in a statement.

With years of expertise and an extensive network of industry connections, Mr. Balawardhane is well-placed to lead this new venture and further strengthen the company. Under his leadership, the company aims to introduce new services and broaden its offerings, enhancing both the General and Life Insurance segments.

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