KinderCare Montessori House of Children, was born out of the wisdom, enthusiasm and commitment of its founders 26 years ago. Today, this school of early learning has stood the test of time, adapting to many challenges along the way. Pursuing the ethos of Maria Montessori herself, the curriculum at KinderCare combines experiential learning with discipline [...]


With a child-centred approach KinderCare Montessori reaches new milestone


KinderCare Montessori House of Children, was born out of the wisdom, enthusiasm and commitment of its founders 26 years ago. Today, this school of early learning has stood the test of time, adapting to many challenges along the way. Pursuing the ethos of Maria Montessori herself, the curriculum at KinderCare combines experiential learning with discipline and independence, enabling the children to grow and develop into well rounded individuals, ready to take on their next steps in life.

With a child centred approach to learning, KinderCare strives to provide all the early learners under their wings with every opportunity to participate in activities both within and beyond the classroom. Our classrooms feature mixed-age groups, which promote peer learning, collaboration, and individualized progress. Older children mentor younger ones, reinforcing their own knowledge, while younger children benefit from observing their more experienced peers. This approach encourages a supportive, cooperative environment and allows children to learn at their own pace. Unlike traditional preschools that group children by age, Montessori’s mixed-age setting fosters social skills, empathy, and independence, offering a richer, more holistic learning experience.

Children are taught and guided through Exercises of practical life, Sensorial, Mathematics and Language. The Exercise of practical life help the child control and coordinate movements, gain independence, adapt to their society and develop the ability to concentrate. It also helps them to take care of themselves like washing hands, polishing shoes, buckling and lacing to name a few. These activities also help them to keep their environment clean by sweeping, mopping, washing a table and dusting.

The sensorial activities refer to the immediate goal of refining a specific sense through sensory experiences like visually discriminating between colour or sizes and also preparing a child for abstract concepts in mathematics or science through concrete manipulation of materials like the Binomial Cube and using the Pink Tower to visualize discrimination of size or the Colour Tablets to identify different hues. Mathematics goes beyond just learning numbers; it focuses on understanding their quantity, place value, and the Decimal System. Children use hands-on materials to explore these concepts, making them tangible. The four basic operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are introduced gradually and in a concrete way. This approach ensures that children not only learn how to perform calculations but also deeply understand the underlying mathematical principles, setting a strong foundation for more advanced math in the future.

In Montessori education, language development goes beyond just learning letters. Children first explore letter sounds through phonics, which helps them understand how sounds form words. They also learn sentence formation, enabling them to express thoughts clearly. Phonogram boxes are introduced to teach complex letter combinations and sounds, helping children decode and spell words. This hands-on, step-by-step approach to language nurtures reading and writing skills, while fostering a deeper understanding of how language works. Religion and Culture are also integrated into the curriculum, offering children a broader understanding of the world. These activities are conducted by a committed group of teachers in a child-friendly environment. Apart from these curricular activities, students are encouraged to take part in a host of extracurricular activities ranging from singing, dancing, arts and crafts and drama.

In order to aid the wholistic development of the children, fun excursions to child friendly locations, water play and the celebration of significant national and cultural days take priority in the schooling calendar. As engaging in physical activities is another important aspect of early learning, students are even encouraged to participate in a range of stimulating and competitive sports activities during the bi-annual sports days of the school. As attested by the parents “The activities at KinderCare were thoughtfully designed to nurture curiosity, creativity and social skills. Wheather it was story time or arts and crafts each activity was a stepping stone in our children’s development.”

At KinderCare, we believe in creating a healthy and safe schooling environment. In order to ingrain values of community, love and mutual respect among all individuals many activities are organized throughout the year. From celebrating cultural and religious festivals to ensuring tri-lingual representation at special events, the young students are presented with many opportunities develop their own self of self, whilst valuing and respecting others. As stated by a parent, “As members of a minority it felt like a breath of fresh air to know that our children would feel included and equal in their place of learning. This has empowered our children, even in their later years and I’m glad to see that they do not see themselves as lesser in any way to children of other faiths and communities, and I believe that this is due to the equality of treatment they received at KinderCare in their formative years”.

Educating, molding and shaping the futures of future generations is an immense responsibility yet it is one which KinderCare has strived to achieve throughout the 26 years of its existence. Honouring the vision of Maria Montessori herself, who said that “The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence”, KinderCare continues to provide all those who come under her wings with a nurturing, wholistic and child centred learning experience. So come, step in to our world and encounter a new learning experience!

KinderCare is located at No.26, Elibank Road, Colombo 05.

Telephone No: 011 2502590

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