All tuition classes, seminars, workshops, as well as providing any assistance via social or other electronic media for the 2024 GCE (Ordinary Level) examination has been prohibited with effect from midnight on March 11. The examination is due to commence on March 17. The Examinations Department said it has increased security measures to prevent examination [...]


O/Level classes to cease on March 11


All tuition classes, seminars, workshops, as well as providing any assistance via social or other electronic media for the 2024 GCE (Ordinary Level) examination has been prohibited with effect from midnight on March 11.

The examination is due to commence on March 17.

The Examinations Department said it has increased security measures to prevent examination questions or papers leaking in advance.

The measures have been taken in the wake of a string of incidents where question papers or questions were leaked ahead of public examinations.

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