A new Statistics Act along with Sri Lanka National Strategy for Statistics Development is being worked on by the Department of Census and Statistics in a bid to disseminate data accurately to policymakers. The Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) operates under the Statistics Ordinance and the Census Ordinance, which govern the conduct of censuses [...]

Business Times

National strategy for statistics development, Statistics Act by DCS


A new Statistics Act along with Sri Lanka National Strategy for Statistics Development is being worked on by the Department of Census and Statistics in a bid to disseminate data accurately to policymakers.

The Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) operates under the Statistics Ordinance and the Census Ordinance, which govern the conduct of censuses and surveys on households and establishments. However, traditional data collection methods are increasingly insufficient for meeting current demands for granular-level data within shorter timeframes, Anoja Senevirathne DCS Director General told The Sunday Times Business.

With advancements in technology, various new data sources are now available, offering opportunities to enhance the timeliness, granularity, and relevance of the statistics produced, she added. “To meet these evolving data requirements, statistics should increasingly be generated from administrative data sources, such as those collected by government agencies during routine operations.”

The implementation of the new Statistics Act will facilitate this transition by enabling the production of data at a lower cost, reducing duplication of efforts, and ensuring the confidentiality of individual data. “This approach will strengthen the national statistical system and improve the efficiency of data collection and usage,” Ms. Seneviratne explained further. In parallel with the development of the Statistics Act, DCS has initiated the development of Sri Lanka’s strategy for the development of statistics from which sound frameworks and mechanisms for coordination, collaboration, and data sharing to facilitate the effective performance of the National Statistical System will be established, she added.

Ms. Seneviratne also added that the Department has identified agencies in different sectors such as Economic Statistics and National Accounts, Social Development Statistics, Agriculture and Environment Statistics.

She also noted that the DCS has already started working committees with relevant agencies to develop the national strategy. “We have received UN and World Bank assistance to develop this strategy. The Act is drafted and is now ready to obtain the required approvals.  Access to high-quality data and analysis thereof is crucial for economic development and governance.”

The new Statistics Act, a budget proposal, will create a new environment for conducting an efficient population census through new technological methods, enhancing the utilisation of census data collected by the DCS for governance, data sharing with private institutions, and establishing a comprehensive data and information repository that will be instrumental in the country’s economic growth.


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