Several schools in the Matale Education Zone are currently closed and falling into a state of dilapidation, residents of the area said requesting authorities to take immediate action. Villagers say the Ovilikanda Wademada College in Matale has been closed due to a lack of students and that there are several valuable buildings that are currently [...]


Matale residents urge action on abandoned school buildings


Several schools in the Matale Education Zone are currently closed and falling into a state of dilapidation, residents of the area said requesting authorities to take immediate action.

Villagers say the Ovilikanda Wademada College in Matale has been closed due to a lack of students and that there are several valuable buildings that are currently crumbling.

They say that children from the villages of Wadema, Ovilikanda, Pathinigolla, and Makulamada studied at this school, and later, due to the lack of students, the authorities were forced to close it due to parents sending children to other schools.

They also request that these buildings be utilised for vocational training centres, industries for the unemployed, or other productive activities. Currently, Rattota  Mudakumbura College has been closed for several years and the buildings are crumbling.

Villagers say such resources should not be wasted and should be used for the benefit of the villagers.

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