Applications have been called from children of estate workers for awarding of scholarships by the Ceylon Estate Workers’ Education Trust (CEWET), the Indian High Commission said. The scholarships are available for GCE Advanced Level, undergraduate courses and for students undergoing vocational/technical education in any other government technical college in Sri Lanka. Students who have passed [...]


Scholarships for estate children from CEWET


Applications have been called from children of estate workers for awarding of scholarships by the Ceylon Estate Workers’ Education Trust (CEWET), the Indian High Commission said.

The scholarships are available for GCE Advanced Level, undergraduate courses and for students undergoing vocational/technical education in any other government technical college in Sri Lanka.

Students who have passed GCE Ordinary Level (with minimum 6 credit passes) or Advanced Level examination, and below 25 years of age are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

Completed application forms must be submitted with a birth certificate copy, GCE O/Level or A/Level result sheet, parents’ latest salary slip, and estate superintendent’s certificate certifying parent’s occupation, and copy of the student’s updated bank pass book.

Application forms could be downloaded at the High Commission of India, Colombo website

Application forms could also be obtained from the High Commission of India, 36-38, Galle Road, Colombo 3 and the Assistant High Commission of India, 42, Hilpankandura Mawatha, Ampitiya Road, Kandy, Sri Lanka.

Duly completed forms should reach the Secretary, Ceylon Estate Workers Education Trust (CEWET) C/o High Commission of India, PO Box 882, Galle Road, Colombo 3 on or before April 28.

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