An eleven-year-old boy choked on a deflated balloon, while he was inflating and deflating it, a coroner’s court inquiry was told.  The incident occurred on Wednesday evening, when the boy identified as Kariyawasam Thirana Gamage was playing with balloons. The boy’s mother, Mallika Arachachige Thanuja told the corner’s court that her son had choked on [...]


Young boy chokes on deflated balloon and dies


An eleven-year-old boy choked on a deflated balloon, while he was inflating and deflating it, a coroner’s court inquiry was told.  The incident occurred on Wednesday evening, when the boy identified as Kariyawasam Thirana Gamage was playing with balloons.

The boy’s mother, Mallika Arachachige Thanuja told the corner’s court that her son had choked on the deflated balloon as the balloon got stuck inside his throat after he had put it inside his mouth.

She said they rushed him to the Neluwa Rural hospital and the doctors removed the obstruction in her son’s throat but he passed away.

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