Parents! lock up thy daughters." It seems that a devious male teacher is on the prowl at a leading school for the fairer sex in Colombo. The teacher who apparently teaches the girls to use the Queen's English, seems to have his eye on higher prospects than on teaching the language of Shakespeare.
On one occasion when the girls had been discussing about a blouse, he is supposed to have remarked to the shocked girls "800 rupees is expensive for a blouse, you should all come to class topless". On another occasion he had asked another girl whether she does any sports. When the reply was in the negative, he had told the astounded girl "You should! You have nice legs." Not stopping at that he went as far as to tell one astounded class, his copious antics with the fairer sex during his school days which sources tell us go back a long long... long way.
There are even rumours to say this ancient "Don Juan" has restorted to pinching and had even offered to give higher marks to a girl if she was willing to accede to his requests.
Parents have lodged complaints about this harassment, but both the girls and parents are surprised that the normally attentive principal has brushed these complains aside simply by saying that he is one of her husband's friends and she can't do anything about it. Friend or no friend, something has to be done before it goes too far, parents say. After all, the principal must not think of herself, but has to take action for the good of all.
The wedding is just over and the in-laws already seem to be benefiting from the high protocol marriage. The brother-in-law of the "General" has already been appointed as a Chairman to a unit within the Plantation Ministry, we hear.
It seems that the Ministers in the Cabinet are having a bit of "memory loss" following in their path. Recently, the one who looks after the affairs of our "Pol, tea and rubber wattes" called up a meeting at his ministry, to discuss the taking of land from privatised companies. All the plantation buffs came, but they surprised. The Minister who was to chair the meeting was missing. Half and hour went and still no minister turned up. The Minister, following his boss's example, turned up one hour late. Apparently he had forgotten about the meeting which he himself had called. So at the end of the day nothing conclusive was arrived at.
When another plantation executive protested to a deputy minister about the taking of good profitable land, and the encroachment of his land, the deputy minister had stated, "Yes, I understand your position. .. but you see the people also have to live no!?" Many plantation executives are wondering what estates they will be left with.
The plantation minister was not the only one to forget. The brother of a former prominent UNP minister too had been worried, when his post at the port that handles all flights, was changed like musical chairs.
His area of specialisation was technical/expertise, but he was surprised when he was given a letter appointing him to the chair of finance. As he knew little of finance he felt he should talk to the one who is the purveyor of all flights and vision from other lands (No... Not files) he was given an opportunity at the House on the Oya and then he sat for three long hours gazing on to the water waiting for ol' bachelor boy to turn up. Finally turning up rather apologetically saying "I say I am sorry men... I compeltely forgot". It seems forgetting is a fashion in the Cabinet as of recently.....
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