The uncertainties posed by the recent escalation of the separatist war is causing some serious cash flow problems to those in commerce and industry. There is talk of bouncing cheques and soaring losses.
Amidst all this comes the incredible story of a big bureaucrat-turned-entrepreneur, who like many others, was facing the problem of recurring adverse balance sheets. Closing down business was not a problem, but what about the golden hand shakes?
Well, believe it or not. He received an inward remittance of ten million US dollars or over Rs. 55 million. He has began paying.
They say the funds were remitted by a relative. But others argue that to send $10 million, one should at least ten times more than that sum.
The Forex and Tax boys now have a gem of a puzzle on their hands. Needless to say some Double Taxation Agreements will be looked at.
A report in these columns about the deputy of a coveted intelligence arm of a service warning on July 4, this year, that Tigers would launch a "Pooneryn style" attack on the Mullaitivu Military Base has had its sequel.
This warning did not reach government leaders since the boss who received it claimed he had been "evaluating it" when the base was overrun. The matter is being gone into.
In the meanwhile comes a report that the deputy of another security agency also put up a similar report to his bos but the matter went unheeded.
Unlike the first case, this deputy is not hiding his frustration that his boss did not act on the report. He even gave details of what he told his boss to some Opposition politicos but shied away when asked for a copy.
The reason? He does not want to go on record for "fixing" his boss.
LTTE leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, has reversed the roles of one of his trusted men who headed the peace talks with the PA government.
Thamil Chelvam, the head of the Political Wing and LTTE chief negotiator has now been named "Military Commander" for Jaffna.
It was a leg injury that prompted Prabhakaran to shift Thamil Chelvam from the military wing to the political wing some years ago. It's back to the old role now.
Local spymasters are hav ing a busy schedule these days.
Members of some of the world's leading agencies are in town and are scurrying to brief themselves on what is happening in the security front.
One of the visitors, a Sherlock Holmes of sorts, has of course found the time in between to renew acquaintances with local friend, many lovable types.
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