I thought of writing to you, now that you are back in action after some time, even though some people in your own party would have preferred not to see you again.
Anyway, I must tell you I’m impressed with your loyalty to your boss, even after he is dead and gone. Not many people are singing to his tune these days. In fact, only you and AJR are bold enough to still say that he was a great man. Others, even those in the party, do not remember him at all!
But what brings you here, Sira? It must be risky coming here with all those commissions of inquiry looking into Soththi Upali’s bio-data and telling us a new story each day? Or, did you just tell Sanath to put a word in for you, just to make sure you won’t be harassed too much?
Of course, Sira, even if they did detain you, there would be nothing much to fear. Normalcy can always be restored, you know. For example, if they took you into custody for all those alleged tyre-pyre deaths in the good old days. I’m sure the Attorney General would come to court the next day and say that you only happened to be in the area and discharge you! After all, even if you happened to be there, you could have been looking the other way! Yes, Sira, all these can be arranged just like the good old days when you and boss were in charge.
Now, Sira, what are these stories I hear about you and Ranil not seeing eye to eye? Now, Sira, you must realise Ranil is not like your boss, though he happens to be your party boss now. You know that old saying about some people being born great, others achieving greatness and some having greatness thrust upon them. Most people think that Ranil, (and even Satellite!) belong to the last category. So you will have to forget your differences and work together if you don’t want to be in the opposition forever.
But, Sira, I hope you also realise that now, this country is not ruled by people who open garment factories and clock towers everyday. And the only live telecast you could expect on June 23 is not a Gam Udawa but a cricket match. So, you will have to get used to these little changes.
But don’t get disheartened, Sira. As you have probably realised by now, some things never change. The Executive Presidency is still there, the price of bread is always increasing, the buses are still over-crowded, the universities are more closed than open, ballot boxes still get lost and there is a clown or two in the Cabinet, to guarantee entertainment.
So, Sira, now that you are back, do something for the party without running around the country to promote that ‘Centre’, that might do more harm than good. And take care of yourself - but you know how to do that, don’t you?
PS - We all remember your poster campaign for your boss - ‘Me kawda? Mokada karanne?’. But, don’t put up those posters again because people will start saying ‘Monawath karanne nehane!’
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