My Dear Satellite,
Last week I wrote to your dear little Mallo, so I thought I must write to you this week, specially when they said you had slipped out of the country with the kids, on what they called a “private” visit.
Of course there were those who said that you wanted to be away during the ‘Black July” week. But even if that was true, I wouldn’t blame you, because in this terrorism business, like in AIDS, prevention is the only answer.
But Satellite, you must be giving poor Bala a hard time while you are away. I was reading the “Daily News” today and that says that Bala was fast asleep in his striped pyjamas when you called him and asked him to stop building that palace of yours at Kotte.
Anyway, Satellite, we all think you took the right decision to stop that project, not only because it would have demolished so many houses, but also because the cost of that project was one and a half billion rupees and we don’t think this country can afford that type of luxury these days.
Then, Satellite, we all remember how the state media made a big noise about Premadasa’s gold plated bed. Now, that would seem like small-change, when we look at the plans for your one and a half billion rupee palace. Wouldn’t it?.
Satellite, I also heard that Uncle-General Anu was very happy because you appointed him Acting Defence Minister to cover your absence. But, they say Amma was not very pleased about it. Now I think you should reconsider that decision when you decide to catch your next Emirates flight.
I know, Satellite, that Amma is not making life easy for you. There is Mallo, criticising you all over the country and what does Amma do? She hosts a lunch to celebrate his ‘anniversary’ in politics and, to make maters worse, invites all the Cabinet Ministers too.
And all of them are busy these days finding a suitable excuse to keep away without offending Amma!
Then, there is this matter of Benazir, Satellite. First the state media said she was not coming, when she came, finally, they maintained a silence about the visit and even the VIP lounge at the Airport was nearly refused.
Now, Benazir may be here on Mallo’s invitation, but she is, after all, the ex-PM of Pakistan and in all probability, a future PM too. So, why do you want to spoil all our relations with that country by trying to get even with your brother? And that’s not what Lakshman. K. told you to do, was it?
So, Satellite, even though you are overseas, there is a lot happening here in the home front. Get back soon to put your house in order.
Yours truly,
Punchi Putha.
PS - This talk about anniversaries reminds me that the first week of August will see the half way mark of your first innings. But, the way things stand, you will have to work hard for your second innings.
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