Hello Children,
One of you has sent a poem dedicated to a teacher who has passed away. Coping with the death of someone close to you, who has loved you and been there to help you is extremely hard isn't it? Though the person we cared for maynot be with us, we have to learn to get on with our lives. Even though we maybe left with a lot of sadness and hurt. Sometimes we just can't understand why they had to leave us like that. But with time the hurt will lessen and only the beautiful memories of the time spent with the ones we cared for will be in our hearts. So keep smiling. Until next week, Aunty Sunshine |
OH! the poor people......
Who are working in the 'workhouses'.....
In it was a little angry boy......
Called "Oliver Twist".....
He worked with poor children.....
Who were born to poor mothers......
Thus they lived.....
Making tables, chairs and sacks.....
For the government offices.
But they never got any money.
And were given a limited amount of food.
A cup of 'gruel' only once a day.....
"Please, sir. I want some more"
Hungry 'Oliver Twist' said one day.....
But he never got any more.
Charles Dickens ..... wrote this book.....
Many years ago.
But there are poor people in this
world today .....
As "Oliver Twist" in that day.....
My mother's name is Samsath Begum. She is thirty three years of age and is fair , tall, fat and has short hair. She can cook very tasty dishes of rice and curry and is good at making wonderful sweets and cakes. My mother works at the sub post office and when she is free she helps me and my brother with our studies, bathes us and takes us to town. Her hobby is collecting stamps and she likes to wear saris. I love my mother very much.
All over the world many of the animals and plants including a variety
of insects are in danger of extinction. Man is the prime cause for this.
The growth of human population is the main cause for the animals and plants
to be in danger. As a number of people
are increasing, more land is needed which means destruction of forests
and hence the natural habitats of wild animals are lost.
Hundreds of insect species are also in the brink of extinction, including some of the most attractive butterfiles.
Birds are poisoned, shot or their eggs stolen by man. Due to water pollution some sea birds feathers are clogged by oil spills and therefore they cannot fly.Their eggs will be very fragile. Gradually these birds will die and these species will become rare and extinct.
A wide range of animals are also in danger from the tiniest land mammal to the huge ocean whale. Some of these animals are Bats, Rhinoceros, Tigers and Whales. Rhinos are killed for their horns as they are used to make medicines. Tigers are killed for their skin, if the number of plants and animals begin to decline, they will become extinct unless they are protected.
How to Protect animals:
As a first step to protect wild life, nature reserves should be established. Efforts should be taken to protect the most endangered species and habitats. One should encourage others to take a responsible attitude towards the countryside. Wildlife is in danger all over the world. They need our help. So let us be the ones to protect them!
You came to us like a star from the sky,
Showing the way like an angel
You taught us the way to succeed,
Always encouraging us by love,
And never failed to give your time,
You were a heroine to us,
Since you loved us as your own,
You paid special attention to all,
And for that I sure am grateful,
Though the shadow of death fell upon you.
I didn't shed a tear,
I'd cry a whole ocean full,
If you could be brought to life,
Instead in silence I said a prayer,
In honour of your kind soul
So dear teacher a word or two
Of heart felt thanks.
By a silent but faithful student,
Whose heart will hold the memory,
Of you, though you're gone,
I feel your spirit in me,
And my teacher will be with me,
As I will never forget her!
Her little world filled with pain,
"Don't come here ever again,"
Those cruel, sharp words pierced her heart,
She gazed around wistfully, ready to part.
The night was dark and cold
She gazed at stars her eyes full of hope,
Her staggering feet took her along the road,
To an eerie night so large and broad.
She had no idea, where to go...., what to do....
What wrong has she done,
To deserve a life
With love and comfort...none,
Her eyes were a pool of tears
As she remembered her mother... long gone....
She wished.....
As she has done million times before....,
She was never born.
For seven years she slaved for them
With all her might....
A sharp throned stick
Lashed upon her small body
Every night.....
she worked
With endless tears
For seven years.....
The city was still and alone,
Only the lights on streets
Flashed and shone, now and then
A lonely dog barked Sensing that a young life
Was about to depart.....
She took a few steps,
Gazed at the sparkling city
Of dreams and fables,
Her eyes never left,
The halls of glowing marbles....
A tiny sigh
Escaped in to the air
As if the shimmering sight
Is hard to bear......
On the bridge of gleaming river,
Her knees trembled.....
She fell with fear....
What's wrong with me,
She thought with a tear,
Though she felt very well
About cold death so near.....
Death roamed around
with open arms.....
He saw the little girl
Crawling along the ground.....
He laid his cold touch
on the little one....
Pulling her to the silent land
Beyond the sun.....
She felt the end is near,
She felt no fear,
Relief spread across her heart.
Grief, torment and harsh words
Where about to depart....
Taking a deep breath
of fragrant, calm night air....
She extended
Her small thin hand
To peaceful death....
Morning sun touched
The solid earth,
People hurried along the road
To work,
Cars and buses
Raced across the bridge,
Another day had begun.
Blue water softly flows
under the old bridge,
The forgotten little girl
Lay near its railing,
Her small face
Wore a soft, tender glow....
Death had come
Like an old friend.....
Life of sorrow and torment was gone...
with starry, eager eyes,
She lifted her head,
And found herself in her mother's arms.
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