and chatting
By Afdhel Aziz
For Sri Lankans living in the UK, the Festival
of Cricket held every year in Bromley, Kent is an occasion to get together
and let it all hang out. Celebrating its tenth anniversary last month,
it mixes two great Sri Lankan obsessions, cricket and chatting . Actually,
make that three if you count the incessant baila that is played all day.
Overcast clouds greeted the crowds this year, but spirits weren't dampened
by the grey skies and the sun soon came out and showed its support in the
Around six to seven thousand Sri Lankans were hanging out in Norman
Park, with three games going on simultaneously, as the old boys of colleges
like Ananda, Nalanda, Dharmaraja and others relived their Big Match glory
days - albeit with slightly larger potbellies and bank accounts. The teams
played brisk six over matches, with the final being a much appreciated
show down between Royal and St. Thomas. Pitch invasions slowed play down
considerably, as over enthusiastic supporters galloped onto the pitch every
time a wicket fell.
Burly security men huffed and puffed after them, trying to get them
to return to their places on the sidelines - but after a while, even they
gave up and became Sri Lankan. Some of the English crowd control staff
even going so far as to wave college flags and be taught lewd baila songs,
the lyrics of which they were completely unaware. On reflection, probably
a good thing too.
While the husbands shouted and cheered on their college teams, the wives
got on with the more serious task of socialising and scouting the crowds
for suitable future spouses for their sons and daughters. The sons and
daughters in question sensibly avoided getting dragged into all this and
spent their time preening and posing around the grounds, doing their own
research - and in an infinitely more pleasurable way too.
They also seemed to spend much of their time dancing to the swing, hip
hop and jungle being played by a booming sound system in the Thomian tent.
This was much to the dismay of the older folk who periodically rolled past,
grumbling "Why can't they play some baila men?" Their wish was
soon answered and for a while a little cross-cultural party reigned, with
the sounds of Puff Daddy mixing surreally with the Gypsies and 'Lunu Dehi'from
the tent right next door.
Myself, I found the greatest pleasure in the many stalls selling cutlets,
patties and other assorted short eats that catapulted me back in time to
my tuck-shop raiding days. God bless you ladies, and next time make the
wadais a little spicier will you ? For the younger kids, there were plenty
of fun fair rides, including one deadly whirling thingummyjig that had
me feeling distinctly uneasy. OK, I was scared silly. The four year old
kid ahead of me on the other hand was completely blase, even greeting my
terror with mild disapproval. I'm getting too old for all this.
Getting out of there was a complete nightmare due to us Sri Lankans
having a penchant for goodbyes that last several hours. Just when you think
it's safe to go, you meet someone else you haven't seen for years and must
have a good chat with.........
The only sour note at the entire event was the boycotting of the event
by the Tamil colleges who were arranging their own event. Apparently political
and ethnic differences had got in the way of their attending the Festival
this year, and their absence did throw a shadow over the event, which was
originally designed to bring together all Sri Lankans in a celebration
of their country. (The other teams must have been breathing a sigh of relief
since apparently in the last couple of years, the Jaffna schools have been
boasting some fearsome players).
Anyway, let's hope when the Festival celebrates its eleventh anniversary
next year the differences will be resolved and everything's going to be
like it used to be. And ladies, don't forget what I said about the wadais.
Watchful Eye
Stop, Look, and Listen
Sexual abuse and exploitation of children is a
crime that we wish to eradicate. In order to do this we have to recognize
abuse when it occurs. There are three vital responses in detecting any
signs of sexual abuse or exploitation of your child:
Stop and pay attention to your child. Teach them to trust their own
feelings and assure them that they have the right to say NO to what they
sense is wrong. Look at your child's behaviour and be sensitive to any
changes. These changes are a signal that you should sit down and talk to
your child about what caused the changes. Be alert to any teenagers or
adults who are paying an unusual amount of attention to your child or giving
them expensive or inapporopriate gifts.
Listen to your child's problems and fears and be supportive in all of
your discussions with them. You may be the only one your child can come
No parent wants to see their child in this situation. It happens more
often than we realize. Parents are the key protector of their children
and are in a position to detect any of these signs. If we work together
to prevent and protect our children, we can make our homes and cities a
safer place for all children.
Child sexual abuse is devastating to both the child and the families
around them. We as a community need to come together and be advocates for
our children teaching them how to protect themselves. If you have questions
or would like more information about his issue, please write to -
Watchful Eye,
P.O. Box 1174,
Colombo 10.
Watchful Eye is produced through the
collaboration between ESCAPE and Save Lanka Kids.
My darling daughter,
Yesterday some of your younger friends came
to visit me, and young as they are, were quite aghast at the dishonesty
and corruption that seems to be abounding today. 'I wonder' said one of
them 'whether there is any purpose in being honest'? See, the boys who
copy at the Exams, get higher marks and we are fools for being honest.
"But that is cheating," said young Anil. "If I get
high marks for school work that Ammi or my tuition teacher has done, then
I know that I don't really deserve those marks." The conversation
moved back and forth with all manner of examples brought of those who financially
prosper by being dishonest. I listened and wondered. We adults sure are
leaving you young a set of very false values. Financial or materialistic
success is not the yardstick of goodness or greatness. We complain and
talk so much of the dishonesty around us, but I wonder whether even we
take any trouble to inculcate in our children the value of honesty.
I can remember a friend of mine who would do all the homework her
son brought from school, while the little one enjoyed himself playing,
and then when he brought the corrected work back home with full marks naturally,
she praised the boy for his hard work and said what a clever and wonderful
boy he was. I wondered, in a sense was she not encouraging him to be dishonest,
for he himself knew that the work praised and the marks obtained was not
for his own work. He would grow up to feel that whatever the means he used
the only thing that mattered was to be successful. Insidiously I think
we adults by our behaviour, our silence and our attitudes, have impressed
on the child that what matters is not that he should be honest, but material
gain. Daughter our country is so full of religious teachings, even the
national media carries daily messages of religion, yet why have they not
permeated into our lives? Has religion lost its meaning in our lives, or
are we so dishonest to our ownselves that we pay lip service to our religion
and act contrary to its teachings?
I wish, daughter, that those young friends of yours who were with
me will strive to create a better society, for as Anil said, you yourself
know what you have done, you cannot hide from yourself, and the world will
some day get to know the real you, specially when you are old or have lost
the power or the wealth you have.
Shakespeare was correct when he said, "to thine ownself be true,
thou can not then be false to any man." Well daughter I hope you and
your generation with the idealism that yet remains in you will bring back
to our country those principles of honesty which we appear to have lost.
- Ammi
Take the Hit
Stand-up comedian David Spade thinks more people
should learn to take a hit. Like he says, it's no big deal taking a hit
occasionally. What's a hit? Well, a hit could be just about any comment
aimed at you that isn't particularly easy to take — a cutting remark, a
cruel joke or an out and out insult. Sometimes it's almost impossible to
ignore them. But there are some that you later feel it would have been
better to let go. I'm saying let them go. You'd be surprised at how easy
it becomes after a while.
Have you ever come back on a cutting remark and failed miserably at
it? Most of us have. What is our obsession with coming back on cutting
remarks? True, if you can come back well on a cutting remark, then that
would make the cutting remark useless and would put you one up on the other
person. But what if you fail miserably? That would only prove that you
probably deserved the cut in the first place. Cutting remarks are usually
intended as jokes, and there's nothing more annoying than someone spoiling
a perfectly good cut with a pathetic comeback. Man, take the hit!
Politicians have got to be the absolute worst when it comes to taking
hits. Even if what has been said about them might be true, politicians
would plead their innocence to the last. And the funny thing is, we expect
it of them. We would be extremely surprised to see politicians admit to
anything if they had a choice. Take dear uncle Bill, for example. Unless
the next woman who claims that he made "unwanted advances" towards
her actually catches him in the act and ties him to the nearest immobile
object while his pants are still down, we would expect Billy boy to keep
on saying, "never seen her before in m'life."
In fact the entire business of politics is built around taking, throwing
and dodging hits. In that business you can survive only if you take very
few hits. So successful politicians are really expert dodgers. And in our
country I guess they have to be, because here politicians take the hit
for almost everything. Rising fuel prices, food shortage or the neighbour's
dog pooping in your in your back yard, some politician, somewhere, is to
So the politicians have had to come up with effective ways of diverting
the attention of the public. Denial is of little use, because if the guy's
a politician we know he did it. Of course they could try reasoning with
the public and pointing out that there is very little they can do about
pooping dogs. But that wouldn't work too well either. The tried and tested
method that seems to work for everyone here is blaming the previous "regime".
I mean, the pooping must have been much worse then — after all it was a
OK, so we don't mind politicians not taking the hit. Someone has to
abuse each other in parliamentary debates broadcast live across the country.
But what about the rest of us? We grown-ups? Does taking a hit have to
be like taking a bullet in the butt for the rest of us too? Do we still
have to keep feeling it long after it's stopped showing and everyone else
has forgotten about it? It doesn't have to be like that. Pick your battles
— don't tire yourself and everyone around you by fighting tooth and nail
over every little thing. I'm not saying roll over and play dead and let
everyone walk all over you all the time. But just try it at those times
when it's not absolutely necessary to come back. Let the little ones go,
that way when you come across something that's really worth fighting for,
the people around you will take you more seriously.
We are all guilty of not taking hits. It's not in human nature to just
roll over and let the other person score a point at your expense. But what
does it hurt, really?
A little bit of ego perhaps, but not much else. You might actually impress
more by keeping your mouth shut and showing some control. So the next time
someone throws you a curved ball don't try to dodge it — just try standing
there and taking the hit.
Any feedback (comments\criticisms) on this column or cool ideas and
suggestions can be e-mailed to (short e-mails please!) kenny@somethin-
Pets breed togetherness
Pets could become desir- able wedding presents
following research published recently that suggests couples who own cats
and dogs have more durable relationships.
The truth about the animals is that not only do they bring couples closer
together, but they also make owners more satisfied in marriage and respond
better to stress than couples without pets.
The findings, presented in Florida at the annual meeting of the American
Psychosomatic Society, arose from a study conducted at the state University
of New York, Buffalo, backed by the Waltham Center for Pet Nutrition in
Leicestershire, Britain.
Health checks taken "during a situation known to be source of conflict
between spouses" showed that blood-pressure readings of couples with
pets were lower at baseline, rose less in response to stress and returned
to baseline quicker than in couples without pets. Pet-owning couples also
had more frequent contact with each other and with others and those most
attached to their animals dealt more with their spouses, according to the
"Many studies have shown that social support is protective of cardiovascular
health," said Dr. Karen Allen of the University of Buffalo."We
know that people who have many social interactions are healthier than people
who don't. In this study people who owned pets had significantly more interactions
with other people than couples who didn't.
"We don't know specifically why this is so," she said. "Pet
owners may be the kind of people who inherently seek out more social contact.
Onto other hand, there may be something in the relationship between people
and pets that enhances social interaction.
"It's also possible that for some people, contacts with a pet provide
the same healthful psychological and physiological benefits as human contact."
She studied 100 couples, 50 who owned either cats or dogs, and 50 with
no pets in the household. To evaluate responses to stress, Dr. Allen hooked
up spouses to heart and blood-pressure monitors to measure stress and introduced
a topic identified through questionnaires as a source of tension or disagreement.
There were no significant differences in response between men and women,
or dog- and cat-owners. Her previous research has shown that during a stressful
situation a pet has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, and that for
women living alone who have little contact with the outside world, a pet
provides the same beneficial effects on cardiovascular health as meeting
other people.
The Daily Telegraph
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