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Outside Politics

21st June 1998

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Mirror Magazine

Front Page
Mirror Magazine

Credit to Mangala

Well we thought the young Mangala Sam had lost his sense of humour when only a month ago our man Ryp ripped him apart - humorously though - and the Minister lost his cool, and his marbles by berating The Sunday Times on the wrong premise that school leavers were the same as school children.

That was then. We are now happy to hear that despite the flack he is under he has retained his humour.

At this week's FCA (Foreign Correspondents Association) dinner, invitees were requested to put their visiting cards in a big bowl for a raffle draw.

Young Mangala said he had no visiting card. Only a credit card.

'On-going Operation'

The Editor of the Sunday Leader had come home from a dinner with family friends, and some weirdo thought he'd give the media man 30 T-56 rounds for dessert.

Media organisations were howling in protest, churning out statements. One such group was about to issue its press release when one of its office-bearers asked what he thought was a pertinent question.

"Should we send this to the Censor?"

"Why?" asked the other.

"Because on-going operations come under the censorship."

Ad speaks

An interesting advert in the state organ this week speaks for itself.

A Human Rights activist said, wryly, she was happy to see this advertisement.

Ali Baba meets Sai Baba

Our crown prince happened to cross to Jumbudivipa to meet the Holy Man at Whitefields in Bangalore. Two meetings!

Photo opportunities only for him not granted even to Heads of State! We tried to ask AB on the telephone how it went. "I can't tell you on the phone," he said.

"My sister may be listening" he added.

Jungle Telegraph

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