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![]() 30th August 1998 |
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From the Blue cornerWhat a charming performance!By PaakshikayaSri Lanka's Leader, the charming Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe has told the 'Business Today' Magazine in this months issue 'I will ensure that a future UNP administration will be run decently and that every citizen in this country will be free to worship their religion and safeguard their political, economic, social and cultural rights, only bowing down to the law..." So pledges this visionary leader of Sri Lanka. The Leader must have chosen his words carefully, surely, he knows that the people, foreign investors and diplomats listen to his every word. After all, the Great Ronnie (like Bonnie, who lies over the ocean most of the time) has referred to the UNP as the "government in waiting".
I have to begin, Virudda Paakshikaya, where I ended a fortnight ago, about this "Ambassador Extra-Ordinary" who was appointed Ambassador to USA by a Super Secretary. I understand, by fax, outside all legal and political procedures; outside the ambit of Harold Herat's Foreign office (or was it Ranjan's?) even outside the ambit of the over-riding Presidential Secretariat. The Constitution of this country has given Executive powers to the President of the Republic. There is a great debate in the country about this. But outside the fundamental law - the law which Viruddha Paakshikaya says everyone must bow down to here - was the de facto "Vice President" of Sri Lanka appointing an Ambassador to America. So, isn't this an Ambassador 'extraordinary' with no plenipotentiary though? But, Viruddha Paakshikaya, what I did not know a fortnight ago was equally astonishing. This Ambassador extraordinary was issued a red (diplomatic) passport as well. Not the light red one that all Sri Lankans get but a real red one; one as red as that issued by China. So, fundamental questions arise from this, my dear Viruddha Paakshikaya. Was this Ambassador masquerading at Capitol Hill as our Ambassador? Who paid his bills? And, can the President and the Cabinet Ministers of the day deny any knowledge of this? Are they not equally responsible for any irregularity if as the constitution says state powers are exercised by the Executive President and his Cabinet of Ministers? And, was Parliament informed? Now, Viruddha Paakshikaya, at least one Cabinet Minister of the day certainly cannot say he didn't know about this appointment. And that minister is not Harold Herat, the Foreign Minister; No, not even D.B. Wijetunga who was Finance Minister. That Minister is the Honourable Ranil Wickremesinghe. Viruddha Paakshikaya will undoubtedly ask, why Ranil Wickremesinghe? That is because it was to Ranil Wickremesinghe that the government had assigned textile negotiations with the United States. At that time the other Great Leader, R. Premadasa had launched a suicidal textile factory drive in the country. But our good friends in the USA, the preachers of free trade and open markets, had a stringent garment quota system in force, and Sri Lanka was fighting hard not only to increase it quota but also to keep what it already had. So, it was Ranil Wickremesinghe who used this Ambassador to line-up meetings in the USA, Viruddha Paakshikaya might say "so, what?" and claim that the Embassy there and the accredited Ambassador were inefficient, and that the main thing was to get the job done. So, he might say, Ranil Wickremesinghe used this "efficient" Ambassador to do the job, for the Government and the Garment industry and its employees. Now, it is this same Viruddha Paakshikaya's party which last month went on a moral crusade about Minister Mangala Samaraweera for allegedly misusing his credit card. They said that public money was being spent improperly for private gain. Mangala Samaraweera said he was doing it as a kind of Ambassador for Sri Lanka, when abroad. But the UNP maintains that this was wrong, improper and illegal. They brought a vote of no-confidence against Mangala Samaraweera for this and asked for his resignation. Now, Viruddha Paakshikaya, if what the UNP said about Minister Samaraweera's no-confidence motion is correct, what can the UNP say about the appointment of the Ambassador extraordinary? The question here, is it proper to do a legitimate act in an improper manner? Does the end justify the means? How does this read, Viruddha Paakshikaya, with what Ranil Wickremesinghe has said in Business Today of his vision for a future UNP administration? We do not know the Ranil Wickremesinghe of the future.. But how do these words in 1998 match with what he and the UNP did five or six years ago? I will not labour on this point anymore. I leave it to our readers to be the Judge and Jury and my Viruddha Paakshikaya to be the defence lawyer - for a very bad case - if he can! So, Viruddha Paakshikaya here I am coming out with Ranil Wickremesinghe's Top Ten as promised, because this same Ambassador Extra-Ordinary is now very much in Ranil Wickremesinghe's inner circle, making waves and causing ripples within the Party, I'm told, much in the same way he did in our party, the SLFP, ten years ago. Then, he was very much one of us hoping and praying that Ms. Bandaranaike will defeat R. Premadasa and that the SLFP will win the 1988/89 elections, so he could be somebody. The problem for him though, was that your people, Viruddha Paakshikaya, . rigged the polls, got yourselves re-elected for yet another term (thanks partly to the IPKF Jawans voting for the UNP in the East). And our man felt the wind was blowing the other way, befriended the Super Secretary and then jumped into Ranil Wickremesinghe's bandwagon. During the negotiations with the US, the US complained that some Sri Lankan garment exports were of substandard quality. They demanded specific quality control testing in Colombo prior to the export of garments to the US. This is now being done by a laboratory owned by a company run by this Ambassador Extraordinary, and is a monopoly as well. Again, more questions arise, Viruddha Paakshikaya, should this be done by a private company? The present practice may be acceptable to the US, but is that the way the government here operates? Is this transparency? The UNP is now howling from the roof-tops accusing us of engaging in private deals without informing Parliament or the public. So, if this deal was a spin-off from government-to-government negotiations about the garment industry, ought not the then government have called for tenders on this subject? Or was it privy only to a selected few? Frankly, I'm not sure if tenders were called, Viruddha Paakshikaya can enlighten me next week after verifying from his high command. But the fact remains - should a person who was party to negotiations on behalf of the government of Sri Lanka start a business arising from those very negotiations? I would imagine quality testing of these garments are a mandatory requirement for all exports of garments carrying the "Made in Sri Lanka" lable. If so, it is tantamount to a quasi- -governmental contract, If so, has this Ambassador Extra-Ordinary declared to anyone that he had a business interest in a government contract while being paid by the Government of Sri Lanka? Now, Viruddha Paakshikaya, let us get down to the return of the Ambassador Extra-Ordinary to Sri Lanka. There are many things to be said but I shall limit it to the scope of our debate - Ranil Wickremesinghe's link to the Business World of Sri Lanka. When our man re-turned to roost, D.B. Wijetunga had assumed the mantle of the Presidency. The Super Secretary's own position was wobbly. Ranil Wickremesinghe's had however got a promotion. He was the Prime Minister of the Republic no doubt. All UNP Presidents treated their Prime Ministers as "peons", but Ranil Wickremesinghe was very much in the saddle running the administration with a clueless President at the helm. So, our Ambassador returned - or was "recalled" his job well done; and he wanted to be Secretary to the Prime Minister, Ranil Wickreme-singhe. Here I concede I must pat Ranil Wickremesinghe on the back because he was able to say 'No'. Ranil Wickremes-inghe felt the entire public service would revolt at the very suggestion. Here was a young, thirty - something year old businessman wanting to be Secretary to the Prime Minister. So, instead, he was given a high fallutin title - something, something to the Honorable Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. Very soon he was not only in power, but in place as well - sitting in at meetings, fixing appointments, following up on reports, doing projections, graphs etc. So, US-style politics was introduced to an otherwise, grassroot UNP. All this and the UNP lost for the first time in seventeen years with Ranil Wickremesinghe as Prime Minister. This US-style politics which the UNP is still adapting (and good luck to them too) was first seen in the Southern Provincial Council elections ironically held on Ranil Wickremesinghe's birthday in 1994. Ranil Wickremesinghe was taken by bus (not the CTB ones - a luxury bus) like the bus-stop visits of US Presidential candidates. The problem was, due to security conditions, the STF had to block all the roads in and around Galle for Ranil Wickremesinghe to do his US-style campaigning. Tea small holders had their tea dalu-leaves boiling in the noon sun, 'ordinary' people inside CTB buses began hurling abuse, at the VVIP going around with armed cops in luxury buses. Eventually, the UNP lost the election and the first signal that the people wanted a change was given. Came the August 1994 elections and Ranil Wickremesinghe made a tactical shift from the Gampaha district which he represented from 1997 and moved into the safer Colombo district, to win. And when we came into office, our man Flint took off to the US to do further studies.He had a lot to learn. He has now come back, acquired for himself a new designation - something something to the leader of the UNP - this time. Such designations come in handy when you are in business, both local and foreign. It may become a liability with the government in power when you are 'Something Something to the leader of the UNP, but the business acumen which he has acquired from the family business has taught him to keep in touch with at last two of our prominent Cabinet Ministers, one a learned professor and the other whom he claims is a man from the clan. My buddies in the UNP say that through this approach he is seriously considering contesting a Parliamentary seat, The head of the UNP Lawyers' Association it seems has even suggested him for Colombo East, co-incidentally the seat that we have given to the Professor. The argument trotted only by this learned lawyer is that this businessman can get clan votes from Colombo East. I'm told that Matara, where some of his clan members are also voters is another option available. A good businessman studies markets and weighs options before taking the plunge. That is also why, while he arranged trips for the Professor to Malaysia (where he has many business interests - as the same Business Today magazine will tell you elsewhere) he is also having a series of UNP seminars and workshops in the Matara District ("puffing up" programmes, you could call them!). Now Viruddha Paakshikaya, while I was jotting these things I get a call from the sub-editor doing my page in The Sunday Times saying that I have limited space this week due to heavy advertising. (Do I smell a conspiracy here?). Never mind Viruddha Paakshikaya ,I am sure I can elaborate next time. I thought I will need ten weeks for Ranil Wickremesinghe's Top Ten. It looks as if it can go on till the next elections. I have more to say but for now let me sign off by saying that this 'Something Something' to the UNP Leader is undoubtedy "Americanised' and pro-US having introduced US-style campaigning for Ranil Wickremesinghe and is now using high-tech video slides with projections, charts and graphs etc. But at the end of the day, the young man is looking for a "safe seat" relying on the votes of his clan members to elect him to Parliament. He sure knows the importance of aiming for the stars and stripes but eventually relying on his roots, in grassroot politics, doesn't he, Viruddha Paakshikaya.
Let us rememberOfficers of the Intake-36 of Sri Lanka Army celebrated their 7th anniversary yesterday. Intake-36 was enlisted to the Sri Lanka Army on August 26 1991. After completing almost two years of training period at the Sri Lanka Military Academy at Diyathalawa, they were commissioned on June 19, 1993 as Second Lieutenants. Of the officers who joined the Sri Lanka Army with us on August 26, 1991 and the officers who were commissioned with us and passed out with us on the June 19 1993, 14 gallant comrades paid the supreme sacrifice in the battle fronts at North and East. A Bodhi pooja pinkama was held at the Gangaramaya temple on Saturday to invoke merit on our dear brothers who were killed in action and missing in action. An Officer's get together will also be held at the Wadduwa Holiday Resort today. Officers killed in action and missing in action Major WGHIS Bandara
GW ".. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, age shall not vary, nor years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.." May the fallen heroes Attain Nibbana M S C Liyanage
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