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Outside Politics

25th October 1998

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Mirror Magazine

Front Page
Mirror Magazine
Aversion for green

The scribes committed to protecting the environment were gathered in their numbers at the salubrious Blue Waters in Wadduwa for their forum.

But one person who was conspicuous by his absence was the amiable Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Media, Mangala Samaraweera. One participant asked jocularly whether he kept away because the environmental journalism awards were titled Green Awards. Did he suspect the UNP to be behind that too ?

But two other good adherents of the blue hue, Ministers Mahinda Rajapakse and Dharmasiri Senanayake were there. Perhaps they were encouraged by the blue waters and shining skies that make Sri Lanka an environmental paradise. Of course, they did not make any speeches.

Hangover ?

The self proclaimed warrior woke up one morning and was hit by what he himself confessed was "kerakilla" or dizziness.

Was it caused by the dizzy heights he has climbed after the hop, step and a jump in his ranks ? Or was it the hangover from the Champagne ? Or was it the latest, much publicised victory ?

Whatever the reason was, the sporty doctor of medicine had to be summoned.

Business or politics?

The private sector's recent thrust to bring peace and end the on-going war has made strange bedfellows.

The LSSP-MEP-UNP and NMT (the National Movement Against Terrorism) are all critical of this effort. Of course, for different reasons, but critical nevertheless.

The NMT was most vociferous and charged that the business community has not offered to finance the State to combat the LTTE and have likened the Co-ordinating Chairman to Billy Graham, the lay preacher.

The UNP wants all issues that are election issues to be kept out. One party wag quoted Theodore Roosevelt "the business of business is business."

Now it seems the business of business is politics – bloody hell !!

They are trying to take the bread out of our mouths !!

Dew drops

With the budget round the corner, former Foreign Minister, a full time politician and a part time poet, Shahul Hameed, was relating a story to a friend about dew drops. No, he was not talking of the SLRC Chairman.

The story was about how the dew drops arrived in the night to stay with the rose petal and leave at dawn.

He said the dew drops were now complaining they could not do so. Why ?

The GST (Goods and Services Tax) was telling on them, declared Hameed.

Jungle Telegraph

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