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Letters to the Editor
19th September 1999 |
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Why oh why did I vote for them?Cabinet has approved a Rs 500/- allowance for MPs for each sitting of Parliament. It was only a couple of months ago that the fuel allowance of MPs was increased. I am quite certain that the benefits and privileges enjoyed by Sri Lankan MPs are not available to those in other countries. Sri Lanka is a Third World country. It is a pity that the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are blind to this waste. As a government pensioner who retired on 08.06.1984, after 37 years of dedicated service to the nation, I am receiving a monthly pension of Rs. 3893/-. This is hardly sufficient for my meals. I have contributed one per cent of my salary to the Pension Fund for 37 years to earn this pittance now. I question why I voted the People's Alliance to power in 1994, as it has not fulfilled any of the promises made in its Election Manifesto. Jinadasa Wickremasuriya
Give me the same rights as my batchmatesI obtained the MBBS degree from the University of Colombo and was appointed to serve at the Jaffna Hospital on December 15, 1997, as a house officer. I completed the one-year compulsory service of internship in Jaffna on December 14, 1998. When we were appointed to Jaffna in 1997, the Director of Medical Services told us that after one year, we would be given preference in getting transfers to our home towns. But I was surprised when I was appointed to Jaffna for another two years, despite the assurance given by the authorities. I appealed to those responsible including the Government Medical Officers' Association (GMOA) and finally to the highest administration. All the appeals have fallen on deaf ears and I do not know why my service in Jaffna has been extended. I am still working in Jaffna. It is the 20th month. The special transfer scheme for medical officers who have served six months in the north and the east has been terminated. The administration has decided that a two- year post-intern service is required even in the north and the east, before annual transfers are granted. Meanwhile, the authorities are claiming that the situation in Jaffna is as normal as Colombo and have terminated the special transfer scheme. These decision-makers do not know the real situation in Jaffna. They are not aware of the difficulties and also that the land route is inaccessible. I have to go to Jaffna by air or sea, at high risk as well as cost. I am married and my husband is working in Colombo. For almost 20 months we have been living separately. I am given an air ticket once in three months, but if I need to visit the family on an urgent matter, I must bear the full cost of Rs. 6,000 for one ticket. Although we were at the bottom of the list, we as human beings would like to enjoy the same rights as our batchmates. Dr. (Mrs.) D.A.A. Nakandala
Ven. Soma's utterings are a disgrace to BuddhismVen. Soma is at it. This time he has targeted the Muslims over the much hackneyed animal slaughter. He says certain religions (obviously he includes Islam) kill animals in the name of God, so that the flesh becomes pure. This is utter crap. My Muslim friends tell me they mention the name of God, because it is God who has created animals and His name must be mentioned if an animal is to be consumed. Flesh doesn't become pure by mentioning God's name. Why does Ven. Soma always bring in other religions when he is preaching Buddhism? Why should he also confine Buddhism to the boundaries of Sri Lanka? As a Buddhist, I believe Buddhism is universal. But in Buddhist countries like Thailand (Theravada), Korea and Japan cattle and other animals are being slaughtered in their millions for consumption. Why does he not say anything against these 'Buddhists'? It took one insane person in Afghanistan to cause a furore here, when he said that he wanted to blow up a Buddha statue. We reacted with horror and shock and quite rightly so. How would the over 325 million Muslims in the region react to Sri Lanka when they hear Ven. Soma berate and ridicule their religion. Sri Lanka is for all her people whether they be Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus or Burghers. Enough innocent blood has flowed in this Thrice Blessed land because of racists. I am ashamed at what Ven. Soma is suggesting and I am sure the Enlightened One would feel the same, if He were around. S.W. Madura Manage
They gave their best, now they get the worstThe "People's Forum" in The Sunday Times is rendering a great service by assisting helpless and frustrated citizens to settle problems they encounter at public service institutions. A considerable number of appeals are regarding the payment of pensions as well as widows' and orphans' dues, delays in the calculations, miscalculations, non-payment of arrears and inordinate delays in the restoration of reduced pensions. It is a shame that a section of the elderly, who have devoted the best years of their life for the country, have to undergo hardship in receiving their legitimate dues. Has any relevant divisional secretariat, the Pensions' Department or the ministry concerned cared to give ear to the grievances aired by helpless pensioners and attempted to identify the shortcomings and find lasting remedies? What has become of the all-important aspect of follow-up action, performance monitoring and progress control which are vital for the management of public affairs? Have incompetence, indiscipline, lethargy, disregard, disorder, discourtesy and pervasive political interference replaced the exemplary, tested, valued and streamlined features of good administration? This is the era of computers. Modern technology can be used to overcome these problems. Pensioners do not ask for charity. Nor do they expect public praise. What they need is sympathetic treatment at the hands of their erstwhile employer in recognition of the contribution they have made, while ensuring that they, and where applicable widows and orphans, receive their dues. A. Abeygoonawardhana |
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