A pioneer
of one-day elections, he was a polls chief respected by all
Deshamanya Edwin Felix Dias-Abeyesinghe, former
Commissioner of Elections, Secretary PPC, and High Commissioner
to Australia, passed away in the early hours of May 14, this year.
The funeral took place on his 88th birthday on May 16, in Australia.
Edwin Felix Dias-Abeyesinghe |
He had a bright career at S. Thomas’ College,
Mt. Lavinia, and obtained his B.A. (London) from the Ceylon University
College. He was on the tutorial staff of Methodist Boys’ School
(now Aluthgama Vidyalaya), Richmond College, Galle, S. Thomas’
College, Mt. Lavinia and Trinity College, Kandy. He had a short
spell as an Asst. Accountant at the Bank of Ceylon and thereafter
joined the Department of Local Government in 1944 as an Office Assistant
and rose to the position of Commissioner of Local Govt.
He acted as Commissioner of Elections in 1957
and in the latter part of 1959 he was the first to be appointed
as Commissioner of Elections after this post was made independent
similar to the post of Auditor General. He was the first to take
on the burden of conducting the 1960 General Election in March,
islandwide in a single day and the counting of the ballots that
very night, unlike the previous general elections which went on
for days. This one-day system of holding a general election islandwide
was greatly appreciated after the 1977 July election, by the then
Prime Minister, J.R. Jayewardene (later Executive President), whose
letter of appreciation is reproduced here (see box).
A copy of this letter is included as Appendix ‘L’
in the book Keerawelle Menikkadawara Bandarawallya by James Dias-Abeyesinghe,
a relative of Felix Dias-Abeyesinghe.
As the Elections Chief he never cast his vote for 18 years until
he retired from service.
The honorific ‘Deshamanya’ for ‘distinguished
services of a highly meritorious order’ was awarded to him
in 1987 by the President of Sri Lanka.
Mr. Dias-Abeyesinghe held a record in conducting
five general elections and 40 by-elections during his tenure as
Commissioner of Elections, in an impartial and efficient manner,
so much so, it became a source of study to other countries. In addition,
he was also an authority on the National Identity Card system.
He was respected by all political parties for his
honesty and integrity which is expected of a Public Servant, especially
when bestowed with an onerous post as Commissioner of Elections.
In his final report as Commissioner of Elections
he had suggested that the marking of a finger with indelible ink
should be stopped forthwith as it was a slur on the country. If
I am to quote his very own words, “a blot on our national
Mr. Abeyesinghe was a humble and God-fearing person.
Though he possessed a wealth of experience and academic qualifications,
when appointed as High Commissioner to Australia he is supposed
to have said, “I am nervous about my appointment since I don’t
know much about the art of diplomacy. I am hoping to learn my job.”
However during his period as High Commissioner he promoted trade,
investments and aid to Sri Lanka.
“The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh,
Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord.”
(Job 1 : 21)
Rajah Dias-Abeyesinghe
Letter from then Prime
Minister |
Prime Minister’s Office
Sri Lanka
Dear Mr. Dias Abeyesinghe,
I wish to convey to you and through you to all the officers
of your Department, the appreciation of the Government and
my own appreciation of the exemplary manner in which the General
Election held on 21st July 1977 was successfully organized
and conducted.
The increasing involvement of the public over the years in
the elective process, the keen competitive element that has
been a feature of recent elections, and the enormity of the
tasks involved in conducting a General Election on one day
has enhanced the responsibility of the Department and made
the task of organization and execution more complex. It is
with pleasure that I convey to you and request you to convey
to all the officers of whatever level who contributed to this
achievement, the appreciation of the Government and my own
warm appreciation of their devotion to duty, their high level
of efficiency, often in very difficult circumstances, and
much personal sacrifice.
I think it would be appropriate on this occasion to make
a reference to your own personal sacrifice. Since your appointment
as Commissioner of Elections in 1958 you have had the arduous
and very responsible duty of organizing and successfully concluding
five General Elections.
During this period I have never heard a word said against
your own personal conduct, your sense of impartiality and
your devotion to duty though Governments have changed five
On the other hand I have heard nothing but praise. This is
a singular achievement for a public servant and I am happy
to say that you have throughout this period maintained the
highest standard and traditions that the countrymen expect
of a public servant.
Yours sincerely
(Signed) J.R. Jayewardene,
Prime Minister |
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A source of inspiration, solace and comfort
'Prof. Kingsley De Silva'
He was born to a God-fearing Catholic family at
Kandana in 1932. His father, the late Donald De Silva, a reputed
teacher in mathematics and chemistry, was much respected by his
students for his dedication and discipline. Some of them entered
priestly/religious life or held important positions in their vocations.
After a successful university education, Prof.
Kingsley qualified in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. He then proceeded
to the UK to obtain further qualifications in that speciality. He
worked as a Senior Lecturer in the University of Colombo for about
12 years.
Thereafter he was appointed Professor of Obstetrics
and Gynaecology at the University of Peradeniya in 1976, which post
he held for 14 years. Since 1984 he served as the Consultant in
Gyn., Obs. at Sri Jayewardenepura Hospital. He was proud of his
students advancing in their respective careers and they, in turn,
were proud to have been trained by him. After his marriage to Eranee,
a daughter of the late Dr. Richard Caldera, an eminent gynaecologist
who was in charge of De Soysa Maternity Hospital, Prof. Kingsley
came to reside in the Borella parish. He was greatly influenced
by the spirituality of his father-in-law. A faithful follower of
Jesus Christ, the Great Healer, he delivered the blessings of healing
to numerous patients under his care. His faithfulness to his patients
and the loving care flowing from him have become life-time memories.
Many a time, he went out of his way to save the lives of those in
his care. Even during the time of his last and terminal illness,
he cared less about his own ailment, and more about his patients,
enquiring continuously about the progress of their recovery, even
giving appropriate instructions to his assistants.
He suffered courageously, always with a smile on
his face, telling us that now he is waiting for a call from Heaven!
It was during this period of time that we realized that he was a
much more noble human being, on a mission with higher ideals.
He lived by his conscience, dealing with issues
squarely, tempered with the essence of fairplay. He trusted those
who served under him and they in turn trusted him, but he was never
happy with the lazy, cowardly or the dishonest. Among his noble
qualities, such as fidelity to his family, relatives and friends,
his loving care for the needy, was the most impressive.
His associates will miss him very much, but will
carry with them, loving and unforgettable memories of his thoughtfulness
and kindness. He was a source of inspiration, comfort and solace.
Although his mortal remains were buried, his multi-faceted
services to humanity will remain immortal.
“Good night sweet Prince! May flights of
angels sing thee to thy rest.”
Andrew Samaratunge
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An unsung hero, he achieved much
'Summa Amarasinghe'
Summa Amarasinghe is no more. He passed away quietly
after a haemorrhage in the wee hours of last Sunday morning comforted
by his caring wife Kanthi, at the Durdans Hospital's Coronary Care
Unit. If I had missed the opportunity to beg forgiveness from this
former boss of mine prior to his departure, that would be for not
letting him see or hear what I was to write about him. To me Summa
was more a friend, than a boss. He changed my life after a chance
meeting we had at the Jefferson Room of the East West Centre in
Hawaii in 1975. He topsy-turvyed my plan of becoming an agricultural
economist and made me a proud pioneer with him, in setting up the
Coast Conservation Department (CCD) and authoring the much talked
about Coast Conservation Act No 57 of 1981 for Sri Lanka.
I learnt most of my early management lessons from
him. He was a brilliant coastal engineer and strategic thinker cum
manager who would insist that we crossed our 't' s and dotted our
'i' s right. He was a perfectionist as a professional. He was a
guru who cared for each of us and held up the ladders for success,
without holding anything back.
His passion for coastal zone management was electrifying.
During the 1980s, he would convince the CCD team, local people,
politicians and ministers of government with equal ease on the need
to ban coral and sand mining to protect our coasts. He would support
and protect his team of officials from those who opposed the Coast
Conservation Department's moves in these early days, with determination
and grit. He stood firm with a sense of diplomacy but never gave
into the politicians. Had they listened to him and heeded his advice
then, we would have prevented a few thousand deaths and immense
loss of property when the tsunami struck in Akurala / Seenigama
areas. It is unfortunate, that the cause for which Summa dedicated
most of his life was wasted away later, by those who turned their
eyes and minds away from scientific realities, for political gain
and material favours.
Among the several firsts he contributed to mother
Lanka were the setting up of the Coast Conservation Department (CCD),
the CC law and the coastal zone management planning process, setting
up of the Lanka Hydraulics Institute (LHI) and the setting up of
the international forum and office for the Coastal Zone Management
Conference for Less Developed Countries. Summa sourced work for
the LHI from Brunei, Indonesia, India, the Maldives and the Middle
East. He was also the catalyst for setting up a Coastal Engineering
cadre within the engineering profession in Sri Lanka. Armed with
a civil engineering degree from the University of Ceylon, Summa
joined the then Colombo Port Commission in 1959.
In 1964, he entered the field of coastal engineering
after obtaining a one year study diploma from Delft University in
Holland on a Dutch Government scholarship. Four years later he moved
to Britain's Hydraulic Research Station and obtained a postgraduate
qualification in coastal engineering on a Nuffield Research Foundation
Summa also loved to travel abroad and would plan
his several visits a year to various parts of the world with his
usual attention to detail. He once had an audience with the Queen
of England and was so proud of this opportunity. Summa simply was
incorrigible, but those who knew him closely knew how lovable he
was. He was difficult and sometimes troubled those who loved him
for he would not listen to them always, for he had his own mind.
When the elder of his two sons Chulaka won the
Royal-Thomian encounter for Royal, the proud father was there to
cheer him. As Mahesh Rodrigo, Summa's school-time friend and Chulaka's
mentor recently told me "Summa was then the winning captain's
father, now he is the father of the winning team's coach".
He was referring to the Royal College cricket
team's victory at the last big match where his son Chulaka was the
team’s coach. It was the same with Romesh the younger. He
cheered him on, in the Rugby field and when he achieved success
in academic pursuits, he talked about that with equal pride.
Summa was an unsung hero who achieved a lot in
his lifetime, which may perhaps go unnoticed to many.
Renton de Alwis
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My quiet friend who was always there in the background
'Ellerine Wijetunga – Dissanaike'
As yet I find it difficult to accept that my friend
of many years, Ellerine Wijetunge Dissanaike is no more. Our friendship
began in school and continued into our late lives.
Ellerine was a quiet friend, always there in the
background when I needed her. She refused to join our gang called
the Secret Seven who talked about love-affairs, boy-friends and
sex. For even at that exploring age she had only one man in her
life, Dr. Stanley Dissanaike.
She was one of my bridesmaids, when I married Ananda
Wijenaike in 1952. Ananda and Stanley took to each other straight
away and, prior to marriage, we escorted each other, making a foursome
going on picnics and journeys. I still have a snap of the four of
us bathing in the Ambalangoda natural sea water pool. Ellerine and
Stanley married a year later in 1953. As the years passed we kept
up our friendship because we found we had a lot in common. We were
not socialites going from party to party. No, we had our children
and homes and gardens where we loved to meet and talk. Finally there
were the grandchildren but unfortunately my husband died before
he could see them at the age of 52 of a lung illness. I was left
a widow at the age of 42, with three unmarried girls on my hands.
Ellerine and Stanley continued befriending me in my loneliness.
But of late Ellerine withdrew into herself, often refusing to talk
to me on the telephone. Now I understand that she was too ill to
I would like to end with a quotation from a poem
sent by Stanley after her death.
When, I am gone, release, let me go-
I gave you my love
You gave me happiness.
Though you cannot see me or touch me anymore
I am near.
And then, when one day, you must come this way alone-
I’ll be there for you, once again, with a smile to say-
‘Welcome home’.
Punyakante Wijenaike