ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Vol. 42 - No 03

Let’s throw them all out and search anew

For more than half-a century we have mandated the two major political parties, one after the other, to rule the country. The consequences of this exercise are there for all of us to bear and see; gradual run down of the administration, economy, law and order, social stability, ethnic harmony, foreign relations and what not.

Don’t we, as citizens, only have ourselves to blame for this sad state of affairs by being irresponsible in electing these parties repeatedly in spite of their failings?

If any country is to progress, there should be a party, at the helm, with clear-cut polices for the betterment of the entire nation and representatives with impeccable character, intellectual stamina and real interests of the country at heart.

Unfortunately, most of the lawmakers elected lack these qualities and demeanour. Their frequent unruly behaviour in Parliament amply proves it. They take to politics merely as an employment with high salaries, perks, privileges and power. Their sole motive seems to be to enrich themselves and their kith and kin through various dubious and devious means. These acts of misconduct, wastage, fraud, corruption need no further elaboration. Couldn't we become a prosperous nation merely by eliminating fraud and corruption committed by politicians and government institutions, running into billions?

It is time that we search within, understand the gravity of the country's situation and seek out a new political identity or culture to lead her for the betterment of the people. It is earnestly hoped that the general public as well as the personages of all bodies and institutions - religious, civil, academic, media, law and business - would take the initiative in promoting such a campaign.

By U. M. G. Goonetilleke, Mattegoda

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