'Sambudu Pahasa'
By Susitha R. Fernando
‘Sambudud Pahasa’ depicting the great teachings of Lord Buddha; ‘Maithree’, ‘Karuna’, ‘Muditha’ and ‘Upekkkha’ is a unique tele production. The telefilm becomes exceptional not because of its theme, storyline or presentation but due to the people involved in it.
From script to camera, editing and entire direction and major roles in the drama are played by non-Buddhist and Christians. And this very reason makes the teledrama special to the Sri Lankan art scene. ‘Sambudud Pahasa’ was recently screened to an audience comprising Ven. Monks and distinguished guests at the BMICH auditorium.
Director Jayasuriya |
Filmed, edited and directed by Deutrom Jayasuriya the screenplay written by Neville Jayamaha. The teledrama is produced by Sumana Sri Jayawardena."The background for the drama is a personal experience where the love taught by Lord Buddha is experienced through one of His disciples, a venerable monk," says Neville Jayamaha, the screenplay writer.
When Jayamaha, a science teacher for twenty eight years had to undergo a kidney transplant it was Ven. Makandure Sheelaratana Thera, a 24-year old monk who came forward to donate one of his two kidneys. Mr. Jayamaha now lives with the organ donated by the venerable monk.
"A patient who had to do a kidney transplant had to face a very difficult situation. According to law, donation can be done only by the relatives and clergy. And as far as I know it is only the Buddhist monks who come forward to make such life risking sacrifice," Mr. Jayamaha stated.
Irrespective of the religion believed by the receiver this commendable sacrifice made by Buddhist monk really moved me, Neville Jayamaha a Christian told explaining how he came up with the idea to write the script for 'Sambudu Pahasa'.
Director of the minifilm, Deutrom Jayasuriya, a non-Buddhist said that he was impressed by the meritorious act of the young Buddhist monk while the screenplay was written by Neville Jayamaha.
Jayasuriya had done twelve short films and is presently working as a technician as well as being a director and cameraman for a TV station in the Middle East. Earlier he had studied cinema in Ireland at a Film Education Centre and later worked at a private studio.
The story revolves around a young boy who is brought up in a disturbed family background. With a drunkard father and an undisciplined environment this boy develops a feeling to leave the lay life. But for this he had to face many an obstacle including his upbringing and family background.
A scene from the movie |
Producer of 'Sambudu Pahasa', Sumana Sri Jayawardena too holds similar views.
Sumana Sri Jayawardena has earlier made audio-visual compact discs based on the songs written on the Lord Buddha. He first released them in Doha Qatar at a ceremony held to celebrate Vesak in 2000, the year in which United Nations announced Vesak day as a holiday.
The production team says that the teledrama is an offering to Ven. Makandure Sheela Rathana Thera and all the Buddhist monks who have make similar donations.
Asked as to what he is planning to do with minidrama, Jayawardena said that he wants to organize a screening for the pilgrims who come to Mihinthale. The producer said that he is willing to screen it anywhere if there are organizers.
‘We are planning to screen the film in temples in remote areas and we also want to start a fund to renovate and restore temples and other Buddhist religious places of worship’ Mr. Jayawardena said. |