I am most of the time in bed, a victim of old age. On June 29, my grand-daughter came with The Sunday Times excitedly announcing, "Seeya, Seeya there is an article about your headmaster".
I was surprised wondering after so many decades why anyone would want to write about Fr. Le Goc. The writer Ephrem Fernando I understand is a product of another great Oblate Fr. Peter Pillai. Using notes left behind by his father Mr. Fernando had written an insightful essay about a debate that took place when we were students. I thank the editor for publishing it.
Those were the days when we went to school and returned home without a care and disputes were settled through dialogue. Now dialogue has been replaced by insincere talk, pious humbug and cracking of heads, in short mob rule where force has corrupted the principle of authority.
Mr. Fernando does not explain why Dr. Evans-Wentz suddenly left the island. There was a general talk at that time that Dr. Evans-Wentz was in reality Dr. Hiran Wentz Evans the imperial wizard of a klan notorious for its bigotry.
(Dictated by me and taken down by my grand-daughter).