Columns - 5thcolumn

The crunch comes with the thaw! Let not politics rob the sport!
By Rypvanwinkle

My Dear Captain Cool,

I thought I must write to you not only because cricket is back in the headlines with the Indians touring the country but also because you are in the thick of things and being controversial, as always…

Captain Cool, I think you know that most people will remember you not as Reggie’s son, not as a Member of Parliament, not as a minister and not even as the Chairman of the Cricket Board, that esteemed and much sought after position you occupy now. No matter what you do in the future you will always be the captain of the World Cup winning cricket team…

And that is exactly why people were quite happy to see you at the helm of the Cricket Board-even if you got it as a reward for supporting Mahinda maama at last year’s vote on the Budget! They expected you would do to the Cricket Board what you did to our cricket team-turn it around and transform it to a winning combination.

Unfortunately though, Captain Cool, ever since you assumed office, all we hear are complaints, allegations and speculations and you seem to be blissfully carrying on regardless.We do know that even when you were the skipper of the cricket team, you didn’t win many awards for popularity but then even your opponents like Shane Warne grudgingly acknowledged that you were a great leader.

We also remember, Captain Cool, how you stood up to those nasty Australian umpires to defend Murali, risking your own career. But what it told us was that you were prepared to act with the courage of your convictions for what you believed was right, no matter what it was.

The question now is, are you still doing the same, Captain Cool? And if you are, why are matters relating to the Cricket Board getting more and more messier?

First, we hear that a television deal that runs into millions of dollars has been cancelled by the Minister. Then we hear that you have agreed to tour England next year at a time when most of our players are busy earning money in India and as a result they are not very happy. Then we hear that you have appointed a manager who, according to your minister, has to give up politics! Tell me, Captain Cool, which other organisation has so many on-going controversies at any given time?

And why does everyone say that you are on a witch hunt at the Board, throwing out anyone who is thought to be linked to the game’s previous administrators, Captain Cool? After all, as a captain you surely know that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and the job of the leader is to manage them wisely?
Of course, I do agree with you on the issue of appointing a manager who is engaged in politics. That should not be a disqualification as so many politicians-Gamini Dissanayake, J.R. Jayewardene and N.M. Perera to name a few- rendered a great service to the Cricket Board not because they were great cricketers but because they were greater politicians. So, have a chat with your Minister and sort out this mess, will you?

Remember, Captain Cool, you were given that name because you had a reputation of being unruffled on the field and taking everything in your stride. Now however, you seem to be annoyed at the slightest hint of anyone defying your decisions. Surely, one fine day you wouldn’t want to be remembered as the Captain who lost his cool, trying to administer the Cricket Board, do you?

Yours truly,
Punchi Putha

PS-I heard you say that you would like to see Sachin break the world record for the most test runs. It is a generous sentiment, Captain Cool, but since when did you stop speaking like a cricketer and start speaking as a politician?

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