Funday Times - A Poem for the week

By Dewni Rathnapriya (13 years), Visakha Vidyalaya

The sun rises in the East and sets in the West,
Leaving behind a magnificent sight
Birds fly to get some rest,
And slowly, softly appears the night.

Stars twinkle, the moon glows,
Tracing wonderful patterns,
How far they are no one knows
They twinkle steadily like little lanterns.

I gaze upwards happy and glad,
How vast could the Universe be?
When looking out there I grow sad,
The smallest thing in it could be me!

Hmph, well I now understand,
Why my mom says I'm too small.
But, can't I grow a little bit taller,
Than a few Martians at least?

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Universe - A Poem for the week

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