
Innovative awareness

Digital Stories – A challenge like no other, targets youth below the age of 25 to use innovative ideas to create awareness on the myths and realities on the use of alcohol. This competition will mobilize them to critically analyze the myths prevailing in the society and the promotional strategies used by the alcohol companies that strategically try to lure them. The competition will be a platform for them to conduct appropriate and effective interventions to change the attitudes and behaviour of their peers.

The interests of contemporary youth lies in technologically advanced sophisticated processes of a digital era. It is with these revolutionizing trends, ADIC sprung with the idea on the Digital Stories Competition. This strategically motivating competition was a breakthrough from the traditional prevention strategies for young people.

The Digital Stories Competition initiated by ADIC was the foremost competition held in the field of prevention in Sri Lanka. It is with great pleasure, ADIC looks forward t o invite the youth of Sri Lanka to be a part of this competition.

The theme for this year's digital stories competition is focused on, "Reducing the Image and Attractiveness of Alcohol." Free trainings will be conducted on the Digital Stories Competition. The main intentions of these trainings are to impart knowledge on alcohol prevention and to sensitize youth on the Digital Stories Competition 2008.

The winner will be sent to Sweden on a short training course on Digital Movie Making (2 week programme), while the second and third prizes would be camcorders. The first top 25 digital stories will be selected and they will be screened during the final event (October 30). Five best digital stories will then be selected out of the twenty five by a distinguished 5 member judge panel and will be awarded relevant prizes and certificates according to the winning status of the winners.

The final event will be held at a renowned venue and will be patronized by professionals, academics and other well known figures who are interested in initiative projects like the Digital Stories Competition and are role models for today's youth.

Digital Stories submission date: September 30, 2008. Application forms can be collected at the ADIC office: 40/18, Park Road, Colombo 5 or downloaded from the ADIC web: http://www.adicsrilanka.org
For more information on trainings call: 0777813872

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