Russel's, popular tea and catering service, moved to its new home at Punchi Borella recently. The opening of new building was coincided with their 20th Anniversary Awards Night, which was celebrated with lot of glamour and pageantry.
Russel’s Queen |
The Chief Guest for the opening of the new building was Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Perera, the parents of Russel Perera ‘SUN SEAC', popular three piece outfit was in attendance and the highlight of the event included the selection of ‘Best Steward’ and 'Stewardess', Smartest Steward/ Stewardess, Russel's Queen and the selection of the 'Chef of the Year’.
The main sponsors of the event were United Food Services (Pvt) Ltd, Deutsche Bank and Aminra Collections.
Russel's Dancing Troupe performed for the first time at the opening ceremony and during the Awards Ceremony. |