
Boosting your energy

It is 3pm in the office, and the computer screen has become a blur. Yawning, you try to remember what it was that you were working on. Sounds familiar? Many of us tend to hit that mid-afternoon slump during a typical working day – sometimes just following the same routines day after day can suck the energy right out of you.

While a steaming cup of coffee or a bar of chocolate may sound attractive and give you an instant 'boost,' the caffeine and sugar 'high' doesn't really last that long, and can leave you craving for more in a couple of hours.

Instead, here are some energy-boosting ideas that will re-fuel your system and give you the little bit extra that you need to keep working in good spirits.

Take a walk. Even if it's to a different department in your office, just stand up and move your legs. Go up or down the stairs and back. That post-exercise rush of energy you feel is well-documented: movement sends oxygen through the bloodstream to invigorate cells.

Have a glass of water. Most people forget to drink water while they're working, and dehydration is one of the most common causes of fatigue.

Get some protein. Experts say that having a protein-rich snack increases mental alertness and energy levels. A peanut butter or chicken sandwich, a handful of nuts or some sesame crackers are good choices.

Massage your head and shoulders. Find trigger points of tension in the shoulders and base of the skull. Hold pressure for 6-10 seconds. Don't forget your face and jaw.

Meditate for three minutes. Find a quiet place and mentally focus on an image that brings you pleasure: the ocean, a flower, a loved one. Continue to keep the image in your mind's eye as you breathe deeply (about 10 seconds for each inhale and exhale).

Adjust your posture. Slouching at your desk can cause reduced blood flow to your brain, making you feel more tired. Make sure you maintain good and comfortable posture at all times – it makes your muscles work more smoothly, using up less energy.

Think positive.

Whereas a negative outlook will sap your strength and make you feel drained, a positive mood will raise your energy, give power to your words, and boost your professional presence. Using positive language when talking to yourself releases powerful endorphins, or feel-good chemicals, in your brain. Whenever you feel yourself thinking negatively, make a conscious mental switch – remember, you're always the one in control of your thoughts.

Read some jokes or listen to some music, if it puts you in a good mood. Altogether, staying energised during work isn't as hard as it seems – make sure you get adequate sleep at home, and eat regular healthy meals. With a little practice you'll be able to incorporate these steps into your daily routine, getting the revitalisation that you need. – A.I.

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