The virtual petrol price war was captured clearly by our photojournalist in this picture showing a long line of vehicles at an LIOC fuel station at Jaela yesterday, selling petrol at Rs. 100 a litre while in front a CPC station lies desolate because its petrol price was still at Rs. 122 a litre. Pic by Athula Devapriya
Does capitalism have a future? |
As 2008 came to a close, many Europeans began to speak about the end of capitalism. They forget that capitalism in Europe had already once given way - often violently - to statism and corporatism in the 1930s, |
Burst of dance and music |
It was a burst of dance and music and a whole bunch of young kids creating art using their various talents at the Mahanama College Auditorium last Friday. |
‘Madagaskar -2’ returns to Majestic |
Box office record animation film "Madagaskar 2- Escape to Africa" is now being screened at the Majestic cinema, Colombo. Directed by Eric Darnell and Tom
University of Queensland is the place to be |
The University of Queensland (UQ) ranked 43rd in the world by the Times Higher Education Supplement, is one of Australia's premier learning and research institutions which has won more Australian Awards |
More Education |
Lanka’s petrol price crisis blazes |
The Government’s dilemma over enforcing a Supreme Court order to lower the price of petrol worsened yesterday as the Lanka-India Oil Company (LIOC) recorded unprecedented sales after it complied with the order and reduced the price to Rs. 100 a litre. |
Lanka shies away from UN homosexual declaration |
Sri Lanka has refused to sign a historic UN declaration that urges member-states to decriminalize homosexuality. Sixty six countries were signatories to this UN declaration which condemns all forms of violence against homosexual persons and urges UN member states to take necessary measures to put an end to all criminal penalties against them. |
Exploitation by State |
It was the ruling Sri Lanka Freedom Party's founder, S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, who famously referred to the "exploitation of man by man" as one of the curses of his time. Years later, with the commanding heights of the economy in the hands of the Government, |
HE had heard her |
The message was: “You have told Me and I know it all. You rest and I will do it in My time.” At that moment, on that early morn of August 28, what crossed the mind of Shikandani Rodrigo, who had turned 43 the day before, |
CB stops hedging deals by banks |
The Central Bank (CB) has ordered the Standard Chartered Bank (SCB), Citibank and three other banks involved in the controversial oil hedging deals not to go ahead with the transactions, a ruling which effectively means the agreements will be discontinued senior CB officials said. |
The great cricket debacle |
The proverbial Sinhala poem about ‘Ambalame Pina’ always intrigued me. The poem talks about a villager who is watching the episode of clay pot seller walking into the village rest room (Ambalama) to have a minute’s break. |
The Kandyan Rebellion |
To put down the Kandyan Rebellion, King Veera Parakramabahu VIII, went on conquering land up to Gadaladeniya. The rebel leader was Menavara Thunaya, the nephew of Dodanwela Parakrama Epa. |