Mr. Ameer Ahamed |
IN our Journey towards effectiveness:[Through the best selling book of 7 Habits of Highly Effective people ] last week we looked at the Principles which are Natural laws in detail. IN order to be a Highly Effective Individual we also need not only internalize the principles but also look at Paradigms.
A paradigm is a mental map, the way we see the world, your point of view, frame of reference or belief. We get conditioned with what we see and what we know. In other words "We see the world as we are not as it is" Paradigm is also popularly known as Perceptions. Some time our Paradigms are way off the mark and as a result they create limitations.
Paradigms are like glasses. When you have incomplete paradigms about yourself or life in general, it's like wearing glasses with the wrong prescription. That lens effects how you see everything else. As a result what you see is what you get. If you feel that you are stupid or inferior that very belief will make you so. If you feel your sister or Brother is stupid you will look for evidence to support your belief or in other words to validate your paradigm, you will eventually find it, and she or he will remain stupid in your eyes.
We have paradigms about ourselves, about other people and about life in general.
Stop right now and consider this question : Are your paradigms of yourself helping or hindering you?
YOU need to believe in your self and validate same by acting on those belief systems. YOU need to have an open mind to receive good feedback and work on them too.
Ask any successful person and most will tell you that they had a person who believed in them… a teacher, a friend , a parent , a guardian, a sister, a grand mother etc…It only takes one person and it does not really matter who it is. Don't be afraid to lean on this person and get nourished by them. Go to the person for advice Try to see yourself the way they see you.
"If you could envision the type of person God intended you to be , you would rise up and never be the same again".
We have paradigms not about ourselves, but also about other people. And they can be way off track too. Seeing things form a different point of view can help us understand why other people act the way they do.
The writer Mr. Ameer Ahamed is the CEO (Sri Lanka, Maldives & Bangl.) for Franklin Covey South Asia. Master Trainer for 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Process & Leadership.