Over the past three years Colombo, our “capital” city, has dropped to its lowest levels in respect of public services by the Colombo Municipal Council.
The reason for this, we all know, is the inexperience and weak leadership of the “Spectacle Group” that took office in June 2006. The “Spectacle Group” administrators who took over from the previous Mayor have failed miserably to maintain the excellent services provided in previous years.
The Municipal Council administration under former Mayors Karu Jayasuriya and Omar Kamil did an excellent job in maintaining and resurfacing roads in Colombo. To their credit their good work is there for all to see. They kept true to ther slogan, “Your Municipal Tax Rupees At Work”. We saw marked changes for the better during their administration, and the city was given a great face-lift.
The government should restore Colombo to its past glory, and not allow the city to deteriorate. Now that terrorism has ended, thanks to the President and our heroic forces, we should get down to the job building up Colombo.
We should draw on the experience and expertise of those who know Colombo, and who can effectively maintain the city.
Colombo citizens and rate-payers are looking to the President for immediate action.
M. N. Mohamed,
Via e mail |