The University of Moratuwa which is renowned for producing some of the finest Engineering and Technological Graduates in Sri Lanka, introduced their own Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) External Degree to cater to the wide dearth in the ICT field in Sri Lanka. The programme was launched around 3 years ago by the Faculty of Information Technology and was conducted through the Centre for Open and Distance Learning (CODL) by using E-Learning technologies. The CODL provides the core facilities for offering such courses including tutoring facilities and a Help Desk.

ESOFT offers University of Moratuwa BIT External Degrees |
Such a programme can be offered to a large number of citizens in the country, at a reasonable cost, regardless of the geographical location of the learner. It will also provide higher educational opportunities to those who could not gain access to the higher education due to the restriction of numbers in the state university system, even though they were qualified to enter.
The University will admit a limited number of students whom it considers to have the aptitude to study on their own. These students will be allowed to register with the University as external candidates, and study on their own using the e-learning material and other resources facilitated by the CODL. A student may enter the BIT programme at different levels depending on the qualifications they have obtained. Details of entry requirements may be obtained from the CODL or ESOFT.
The University has also evaluated several public and private sector organizations that it considers to have the necessary expertise and resources to conduct the study programmes. Special attention has been paid during such evaluations to ensure that the learning environment provided by such institutions is in accordance with the quality standards expected by the University. ESOFT Computer Studies is one of these institutions and we are currently receiving applications from suitably qualified students for approval and subsequent enrolment to the latest intake which was announced by the University last week.
ESOFT is especially happy about the fact that three more branches of the ESOFT network have recently been approved by the University of Moratuwa to conduct classes for this Degree programme. These additional locations include Kandy, Kurunegala, and Jaffna bringing the total number of ESOFT Centres authorised with "Collaborative Partner" status from the University of Moratuwa to four locations including Colombo. This underscores the level of quality that ESOFT strives to maintain whilst helping to bring recognized qualifications to the rural masses of Sri Lanka. We are looking forward to catering to the residents of the Jaffna Peninsula with the Jaffna branch being upgraded in order to conduct this BIT Degree.
ESOFT has been actively engaged in the local education and training arena specializing in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and we are the leader for BCS (British Computer Society) Professional Examinations in IT and the BIT of the University of Colombo School of Computing. The experience and knowledge that we have accumulated, and the resources that we have on offer to students will help to ensure that the students receive the best possible service in the time they spend with us. Classes for the BIT Programme will be conducted either on the weekdays or on weekends, and the student has the flexibility of choosing a convenient batch. This is the third time that the Collaborative Partner model will be available, thereby allowing the students to study with ESOFT with the guidance and administrative support from the CODL.
ESOFT was able to secure a healthy intake of students for the two previous intakes and these students have already commenced classes and are progressing. We are gearing ourselves for a larger intake in the new session and will be restricting our numbers to 50 weekday students and 50 weekend students. This is done with the aim of providing the best possible study environment.
All examinations will be conducted by the University of Moratuwa and standards will be enforced and maintained in a transparent manner. Students that enrol for this programme through ESOFT will have the added benefit of receiving free textbooks containing all required study material. Students will also be able to make use of our branch network for additional study activities including access to library facilities and computer laboratories for practical work.
Entry into ESOFT will be controlled via an application process and students that pass the entry examination will be registered by ESOFT on a priority basis. Application forms are available at the CODL and also at ESOFT, and can also be downloaded by visiting our website Students that wish to study directly at ESOFT should hand in their application forms and relevant documents directly to us together with the examination fee.
ESOFT will be accepting applications until April 12 2010, and the aptitude test for selection is scheduled to be held by the University on May 2 2010. Classes are scheduled to commence in July 2010. Detailed class schedules will be made available at a later date.
Any further information regarding the programme, the entry process, and other information can be obtained by calling our student counsellors (Ms. Yoga - 077-3099305 and Mr. Ralph - 077 22 888 77) or calling our general number on (011) 2 553 883 or (011) 7 555 545. |