The United National Party (UNP)'s one time deputy leader, Karu Jayasuriya, was at 'Temple Trees' on Friday.
As was expected, phones of UNPers began ringing with queries whether he was returning to the government fold again. Jayasuriya served a stint as Minister of Public Administration in the Rajapaksa regime.
Jayasuriya opens his Kirulapone office whilst his wife Dr. Vasantha looks on. |
However, his presence at 'Temple Trees' was for another reason altogether.
The Ramanna Nikaya's two-yearly Upasampada Ulela is to be held shortly. They were meeting President Rajapaksa together with members of the Nikaya to discuss fund raising. Present on the occasion were several government officials.
At one point, Rajapaksa asked Jayasuriya whether Siri Kothata poddak udav venda barida or cannot Siri Kotha, the UNP headquarters, help in a little way. Jayasuriya said it was not possible.
When the conference ended, Rajapaksa told Jayasuriya "Poddak uda enna, api chuttak katha karamu (Come upstairs, let us talk for a while).
Jayasuriya politely declined saying "neethi kadanna beha" (cannot break laws). He told Rajapaksa that such a meeting would be misinterpreted as having talks to join the government again. Rajapaksa broke into laughter and added "Eykath thiyanawa ne" (that is also there, no).
Jayasuriya has already been dropped from the UNP Working Committee, the main policy making body together with Dayasiri Jayasekera, (UNP - Kurunegala District MP). After his room at Parliament was withdrawn by the UNP high command, Jayasuriya has opened his own private office at Kirulapone.
Thank God, no Lankan VIPs at ANC’s show
Volksblad, a South African website had the following to say on the centenary celebrations of the African National Congress:
"Several African Heads of State are apparently deeply upset after they were left without food and bedding at the accommodation provided to them for the ANC's centenary celebrations. "The Heads of State allegedly had to buy their own bedding, food, pots, pans, glasses and bottled water because the ANC had ordered the owners of the houses it rented at Woodlands Hills Wildlife Estate to remove all their possessions. There was apparently only liquor provided.
"The hotel group contracted to equip the houses, which had been rented for up to Rand 50,000 per day, allegedly did not do its job properly. "Security guards for President Yuweri Museveni from Uganda had to buy him some grilled chicken from Nando's.
"Ugandan officials had to leave Woodlands to go and buy duvets, food and other necessities for the President as there was a bed without linen," said Mampho Mmelaedi, who looked after the house Museveni was staying in.
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni (left) and Malawi Bingu wa Mutharika at the ANC centenary celebrations last Sunday |
"At least 15 women who were hired as housekeepers, waitresses and cleaners in the estate, came forward to speak about their dissatisfaction over how foreign dignitaries were treated.
"Presidents who were treated badly included Bingu wa Mutharika from Malawi, Obiang Mbasogo from Equatorial Guinea, Hifikepunye Pohamba from Namibia and Paul Kagame from Rwanda. "Valentine Rantsoareng, joint owner of the Rantsoareng hotel group, confirmed they were contracted for the job by the department of international relations.
"He strongly denied allegations about the accommodation, adding that some of the Heads of State had deviated from the menu and "rather asked for chicken". He said the staff members were hired by Design HR.
"I think people who make these allegations are somewhat dissatisfied because they haven't been paid yet, but I have only now received the receipt for it," he said. The women had another version of events, however.
"Namibian officials went to buy food, pots, plates and glasses to cook for the President [Pohamba]. I could see he was angry and disappointed," said Motladi Metsing. Kenalemang Pula said the Nigerian delegation arrived on Sunday morning and had packed their bags by lunchtime. President Thomas Boni of Benin apparently immediately "stormed out" of Woodlands Hills.
"One of the women said: "They kept asking us if we worked for the ANC or for the South African government. Understandably, they kept shouting at us. We were embarrassed to be there."
"When reached for comment, Museveni's press secretary Tamale Mirundi, who was not part of the delegation, was trying to confirm the claims. However, Mirundi emphasised that if the reports were true the Ugandans would not have complained, because they saw themselves as fellow Africans, not visitors needing special treatment. Free State ANC spokesperson William Bulwane said the party had been alerted to the claims. "Although we have not yet received any official complaints from Heads of State we are going to be following this up with the estate."
"ANC spokesperson Jackson Mthembu said he was unaware of any complaints, but said there had been "very, very serious problems" with accreditation for international dignitaries, spiritual leaders and the media.
"President Jacob Zuma would apologise in person to Heads of State and the department of international relations and co-operation would apologise to other international dignitaries, he said. "We are not aware of any instances where Heads of State had to go out of their way to secure linen or pots for private use. This was an event arranged by government and government made sure that all was in order.
"However, there were some instances where private houses which opened their doors to guests of the ANC did not adhere to the contract signed with the ANC. In these instances we dealt with these matters."
Everything would have come past me so I would have known if any complaints have been made." International relations spokesperson Clayson Monyela was also in the dark."
It was therefore probably not a bad thing that the Government of Sri Lanka boycotted the entire event on the footing that the pro-LTTE Global Tamil Forum was also invited. The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MPs who will accept a free ticket even to hell would have found the treatment for them acceptable though.
One of the features of the ANC conference that hit the world headlines was that the Dalai Lama of Tibet was not given a visa to enter the country. He left his good friend, the Archbishop Bishop Desmond Tutu, one of the great supporters of the ANC and who was in the frontline of the anti-apartheid movement, heartbroken.
Political thuggery knocks Lanka out of NYT tourism list
For the second consecutive year, The New York Times has unceremoniously dumped Sri Lanka from its prestigious "list of countries to visit". Released in January every year, the list is considered an unsolicited boost for tourism for every country cited there.
Of the 31 countries to visit in 2010, Sri Lanka took pride of place ranking number one, a rare honour, ahead of Patagonia wine country and Seoul, the vibrant South Korean capital.
In 2011, Sri Lanka was nowhere to be seen in the 41 places The New York Times ranked as "places to visit."
Last week, the Times came up with the list of 45 places worth visiting in 2012. Sri Lanka has once again been dumped -- implying it may well be a place to be avoided as a tourist resort.
This year's 45 countries include Panama, Finland, Myanmar (Burma), Malacca (Malaysia), Kerala (India) and the Maldives.
What were the reasons for Sri Lanka being knocked off The New York Times list for the second consecutive year?
The speculation revolves around the woeful lack of good governance, including growing political repression, the threat to press freedom, the absence of rule of law, unmitigated thuggery, and corruption at the highest levels of government.
In short, you don't trust the security and stability of a country that violates all the accepted norms of good governance.
Additionally, the recent brutal killing of a tourist and the sexual assault on his companion -- both tourists enjoying their Christmas vacation in Sri Lanka --was also a turning point. The story has been widely circulated in tourist circles and in international wire services which have hinted at a possible political cover-up of the killing because of the role played by a local thug masquerading as a politician.
The reference to Myanmar (Burma) perhaps is the result of the military junta there opening out in recent months. The government has released political prisoners who included leaders of opposition political parties and journalists.
The United States has announced that it would soon open an Embassy in Yangon (Rangoon) or Naypyidaw, the new Myanmar capital, after the visit of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the country.
Meanwhile, the government continues to pour thousands of dollars into the coffers of a U.S. public relations firm to little or no effect. At least the government should now realize no PR firm can clean up the country's sagging image if politicians keep running it to the ground..
Not only jobs for the boys, but schools for the kids
This is another story that would make one scream Oh Blimey!! The number two in the leading mission was given another posting in a cooler European clime. The man agreed to go but made one request.
He said he would serve in that capital if his wife and children are allowed to remain in the older place.
The reason - he wants to educate his children. His wish has been granted. He will draw all the perks of a head of mission whilst playing number two. And so, the Foreign Service is no longer merely "Jobs for the Boys", but also "Schools for the kids".
That is for a man who has not even returned to Colombo to serve a stint after his period of posting was over. He is three times not out, said an EAM official over the three consecutive postings the man has enjoyed.
Lothario diplo mutt continues
The ministerial type was hurt twice by the conduct of a diplo mutt who suddenly developed affection for his lovely lassie.
The first was the unwarranted overtures he made. The second came when he literally murdered the Queen when he was asked "what made you do this ugly thing?" The reply "Sir, I got the urge."
The mutt has now apologised for the faux pas and has been allowed to continue in office as if nothing had happened.
Missing hospital floor for politico
The story is out now although the event took place some two years ago.
A leading politico wanted a hospital built in his domain closer to the central hills. When the estimates were worked out, he wanted one floor knocked off the plan.
That was done. The reason? He wanted the money that was going to be spent on that floor to himself.
Sajith birthday ends with bash, liquour under the table
Up in the hill capital of Kandy the previous day, the man who spurred Karu Jayasuriya to challenge the UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe, party Deputy Leader Sajith Premadasa marked his birthday with a visit to the Mahanayaka Theras of the Asgiriya and Malwatte Chapters of the Siam Nikaya.
At the Malwatte temple, the Mahanayake Thera honoured the birthday boy with a rare gift of a caparisoned elephant replica. One will recall that the Mahanayakes took an unprecedented step on the eve of elections to the UNP leadership asking that Jayasuriya be elected the party leader -- advice the party opted to reject. Instead it voted the incumbent Ranil Wickremesinghe back to the leader's post.
But no birthday can be really celebrated without a party, and it is the tradition of political leaders in particular to have a religious event to start their journey for the next year and for public exposure, but treat their supporters with some other form of spirit.
Riverdale Hotel in Kandy was the venue for a sumptuous lunch to mark the occasion. The proprietor was asked to cater to 250 people who had been invited, but though several invitees didn't turn up, the number of plates used was 354. Obviously, the uninvited though not uninitiated made a bee-line to the buffet table too. Who wouldn't when the mouth-watering fare on offer included fried rice, basmathi white rice, suriya sambha yellow rice, chicken curry, fish, dhal, achcharu, sprats, vegetable cutlets and vegetable salad and the works washed down with caramel pudding, fruit salad, ice cream and cake.
The young birthday boy hadn't ordered any alcoholic beverages, but some of eager supporters would have none of it. They raided the bar and a good number of bottles of the local brew were downed before the meal. Who will foot the bill for this was the question as neither the Riverdale owner nor the birthday boy had ordered the liquor.
The supporters now seem ready for another spirited round of infighting within the disUnited National Party.
Oh Blimey, diplomatic double doctors
An old joke that did the rounds at the now External Affairs Ministry (EAM) was about career diplomats. Some complained that they were now carrier diplomats since they only carried the bags of their political masters.
Now, the EAM appears to have been hit by another carrier borne malaise. This time, a number two slot in a leading Sri Lanka mission overseas has been placed in the hands of a physician by Minister G.L. Peiris.
There were whispers in the corridors of power that the latest appointment will enable the physician's family, well connected and from the South, to have their children educated in foreign climes. Oh Blimey, one might say. She will be posted to a mission that already had a qualified medical practitioner at the helm, so the mission may well have more doctors than diplomats soon.
Another posting is that of a Cabinet Minister's daughter. She has been sent to a country revered for its religious locales. So much for professionalising the Foreign Service.