Letters to the Editor26th March 2000 |
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Place country on war-footingWhile the 'Moda Sinhalayas' are squabbling over party politics, the cunning LTTE has brought the war to Colombo's doorstep. This is evident from the commando-style attack at Rajagiriya on March 10 by a group of terrorists who were surreptitiously waiting to ambush ministers returning from Parliament.Fortunately a vigilant citizen informed the police, and the exercise misfired resulting in more than 20 dying and 50 being seriously injured. Eight Tigers blew themselves up and others disappeared. Colombo is teeming with LTTE cadres, scheming and planning to kill as many politicians as possible and weaken the government despite the tight security. In Wellawatte, Bambalapitiya, Kotahena, Havelock Town or any part of the city at that, thousands and thousands of Tamils from the north are living cheek-by-jowl with the Sinhalese in safety. Some of them do not deny that their sympathies are with the Tigers. It is amazing how the Government and the Opposition are turning a blind eye to the migration of Tamils from the north to Colombo and its suburbs. Is it due to the votes? Expatriate Tamils with LTTE sympathies collect and send money to their relations and friends to buy houses and property in Colombo offering twice or thrice their market value. The foolish Sinhalaya, greedy for money, sells his land and home and moves out thinking he has struck a bargain! One is also taken aback by the thosai boutiques, chummeries and video parlours that are springing up all over the city. Some of them may even be fronts for LTTE operations and hideouts. It is time all Sinhalese parties united to get the Government to place the country on a 'war footing'. The Government should appoint a National Defence Council which will have a Civil Defence Commissioner, the same way the city was defended during World War II. Vigilance Posts, similar to ARPs (Air-Raid Posts) with vigilance wardens should be established on every street with mobile telephones, sirens and a couple of armed policemen or soldiers to assist. They should be on 24-hour watches and citizens living down each street should be mobilized to operate them. The Vigilance Posts should be in contact via mobile phones with the nearest police station and adjoining posts to exchange 'all clear' signals or report anything suspicious. Then the nearest police station could cordon off and search that area with assistance from the armed forces. It is strange the Government has not taken the citizens into its confidence but isolated them with the 'censorship of military news'. The whole world knows what is happening in this country. The rich get it on satellite TV or Internet. The LTTE have their clandestine broadcasts all over the world. So how can the ordinary citizens who are kept in the dark help in the war effort? The Government should do some re-thinking and keep the people informed. D.L Sirimanne
They and their perksOur politicians are to be given big increases in salaries and other allowances from the money earned by hard working citizens.But do they deserve it? All they seem to do is lay foundation stones and declare open new or refurbished buildings. They are entitled to buy luxury vehicles at duty-free prices. But they sell the duty free vehicles and make a profit. They employ secretaries and personal aides, paying them thumping salaries. These politicos seem to enter politics not because they love their motherland but to help their kith and kin. Do we require such people to be at the helm of affairs in our country? Do not the government servant, the pensioner and the hard working man in the street deserve better? Let us in future reject these politicos and elect truly honest and patriotic citizens who will work for the love of their motherland. P.M. Gunasekara,
Big match jaw breakersI was aghast to hear a radio commentator in the recently concluded Royal-Thomian cricket encounter struggling to pronounce the names of players.What took the prize in this comedy was his reference to the name of a player, Kanishka Edirisuriya as a "Jaw Breaker". Come off it Mr. Commentator. Royal and S.Thomas' are two great institutions that have catered to Sri Lankans.This game of cricket, though of English origin it may be, is played at the Sinhalese Sports Club grounds by Sri Lankans and has a uniquely Sri Lankan tradition. In heaven's name therefore, if you find it difficult as you claim, to pronounce Sri Lankan names, either don't talk about it in the interest of the two great schools or don't commentate at local matches. Also bear in mind that it is Anglicised names that are "Jaw Breakers" to the average Sri Lankan. Dionysius Auctavius De Silva
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