Keeping cool with kohila
The pressure of work, having to cope with both local and foreign media, is no easy task for battle hardened Military Spokesman, Brigadier Sanath Karunaratne, the man widely acknowledged as having performed best in that job.

Besides disseminating info on a day to day basis, he has to respond to wrong reports that are either published or aired. On one occasion, he had to deal with a report that was completely erroneous. He did not hide his feelings to the scribe concerned. He said the report in question could have been easily verified with him.

The matter was sorted out but Brigadier Karunaratne was surprised when a small parcel arrived in his office. It was a bundle of kohila, the stem of a vegetable well known for its cooling effects. The soldier who brought it said it was from the Commander of the Army, Lt. Gen. Lionel Balagalle.

Brig. Karunaratne spoke to Lt. Gen. Balagalle to find out what it was all about. "That is to keep you cool in your job," replied Lt. Gen. Balagalle, who had received a call from the scribe in question. The duo had a hearty laugh. As one wag remarked, the country would sure run short of kohila, if the Army Commander was to send them around to his officers and men to ensure they keep their cool. Of course, there are alternatives like ice cubes and ice cream not to mention sending them to "cold storage."

No chief for a month
For exactly a month now, the Sri Lanka Army is without a Chief of Staff. The retirement of the last incumbent, Major General Neil Dias, with effect from April 11, has already been circulated in The All List letter by the Military Secretary.
Army Chief, Lt. Gen. Balagalle, had recommended the next in line, Major General Lohan Gunawardena, be appointed Chief of Staff. He is currently Deputy Chief of Staff. Recommended to the latter post is Major General Anton Wijendra, Commandant of the Volunteer Force.

Change of unit head
The Army Unit deployed for the security of President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga is likely to receive a new head. The man billed to take over is Major General Sharman Kulatunga, General Officer Commanding the 52 Division in the north.

If this is effected, the present incumbent Brig. G.A. Chandrasiri, is likely to become officiating GOC of the 52 Division. Insiders say the change has been sought by President Kumaratunga.

Be prepared
Following on the heels of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), the Government is also fine tuning its military machine to be in a state of preparedness.
Defence Minister Tilak Marapana flew last Friday to Maduru Oya, to see for himself how troops are being put through training chores. He was accompanied by Major General Shantha Kottegoda, Director General of General Staff.

Similar training programmes are also to be put into effect by veteran soldier, Maj. Gen. Sarath Fonseka, who on Thursday assumed office as Security Forces Commander, Jaffna.

Planning ahead
With the peace process now under way, Government's economic planners are making forward preparations for military procurements in the years to come.
Treasury Secretary, Charitha Ratwatte, has chaired a series of conferences with top defence and security officials to ascertain their requirements for the years 2003, 2004 and 2005.

Pottu still in Batticaloa
Tiger guerrilla intelligence wing leader, Pottu Amman, is still in Batticaloa, according to local intelligence sources. Also with him is Kapil Amman, described as intelligence leader for "Tamil Eelam."

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