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LTTE warned and discharged
The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission has warned the LTTE against harassing civilians in Batticaloa .

The SLMM in a press release said that "The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission in Batticaloa is much concerned about the harassment to the members of the public in the Batticaloa District by the LTTE."

The warning was given by the Head of the Batticaloa Office, Lars Tidbeck, at a meeting with LTTE area Leader Vishu at Karadiyanaru.

The LTTE was asked to have a good rapport with the civilians and ensure that everyone in the area lived with peace of mind.

Mr. Tidbeck also raised LTTE's harassment of K.V. Sithamparapillai, an 82-year-old resident who was abducted by the LTTE and then released.

"Mr. Tidbeck requested Mr. Vishu not to harass him any further, but to leave him alone. Mr. Vishu agreed to do so and gave an undertaking. However the SLMM regrets to note that the harassment on Mr. Sithamparapillai still continues, notwithstanding the assurance given by the LTTE area leader," the SLMM said.

The Head of the Batticaloa Office is to inform the Colombo office to take up the issue of harassment with the LTTE High Command in Wanni.

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