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Tiger fury over TNA statement
By Shelani Perera
The LTTE has shown its anger at a TULF-TNA statement urging Tamils to show restraint in inciting Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa Jeyaram and told the politicians to pressurise the government to lift the ban on the guerrillas. At a meeting summoned by the LTTE at Wanni, TNA parliamentarians were also told they should campaign for the repealing of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).

The LTTE expressed its dissatisfaction about the statement issued by TULF Vice President V. Anandasangaree last week and later held a 15-minute confidential meeting with TULF representative R. Sampanthan.

Mr. Anandasangaree in his statement last week called on party members, supporters and well-wishers to refrain from hurting or causing any embarrassment to not only the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, but also to any leader across the Palk Strait.

The meeting between the TNA representatives and LTTE's political Secretary S. P. Thamil Chelvam was the first meeting after 14 parliamentarians of the TNA met the LTTE leadership last month.

The LTTE has decided to have monthly meetings with TNA representatives. The other constituent parties of the TNA were represented by A. Vinayagamoorthy (ACTC), Selvam Adaikalanathan (TELO) and Sivathasan Anandan (EPRLF).

The LTTE representatives had declared that they were not interested in contesting any of the other elections, but their main aim was to have an interim administration in the North and East and have a permanent political settlement to the ethnic conflict. The TNA representatives were summoned by the LTTE to discuss the 'present political situation'.

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