Mirror Magazine


Tom and Penelope's love nest
Hollywood's golden couple, Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz, have gone a bit Tudor
Tom Cruise and girlfriend Penelope Cruz have celebrated their first anniversary together - by moving into his £6m love nest.

Although it was rumoured that Penelope dumped Top Gun star Cruise (40), last Christmas - when he wanted to spend the day with his ex-wife Nicole Kidman and their adopted children rather than with her - the pair later patched things up and are now happily tucked up in their new Los Angeles hideway.

The Tudor-inspired estate is home to numerous Greek fountains and statues, and has room for a fleet of 10 cars, while its three acres of land provide plenty of play space when Tom's kids - Isabella (9), and Connor, (7) - come to visit.

Penelope isn't exactly unacquainted with her surroundings, however. The house was used when Penelope (28), shot scenes from the film Blow with Johnny Depp.

Just a song at twilight
Would you like to take a walk down memory lane to reminisce on your old Scouting days? Well then, join Bathiya and Santhush at the Royal College Sports Complex on October 5, from 7 p.m. onwards, for a totally different experience.

You will walk into an auditorium completely transformed to resemble a campsite. A 'Show Biz Campsite' is what Santhush called it and that's what will be, for all those with an adventurous spirit and feel for the outdoors. This concert is in aid of renovating the Royal College Scout Room. It will also guarantee the crowds a night of their 'B&S' favourites, with their familiar, pumping beat and distinctive Sinhalese rap, expertly mixed with English melodies.

Scouts will be honoured at this event. Scouting is one of the most popular activities in school, and Royal College is no exception.

When the '76 Group of Royal College decided to do something worthwhile for their alma mater, they felt improving the Scout room in the school had to be a priority.

"Scouting is very popular in Royal College. The scout troop at Royal College is one of the biggest in the island, and there are more than 950 scouts in the school. An average of 15 President's Scouts are produced by the school every year," said a spokesperson of the '76 Group.

"The Scout Room was in a pathetic state," he elaborated. And so the idea of a concert to raise funds to improve facilities was born. This concert interestingly, is organised entirely by Bathiya and Santhush who were scouts themselves. Santhush himself was a scout at Royal College. "Bathiya and I met at a Scouting Camporee in 1992 at the Vihara Maha Devi Park. Although it wasn't our first meeting, it was in fact the first time we got on stage and sang together, representing our schools."

In reply to how scouting had helped them in their lives Santhush said, "It has helped us to be more innovative and creative, especially when composing and singing our music. Planning, organisational and disciplinary skills are essential if you want to keep ahead in the music business. These qualities were instilled in me during my scouting days."

The concert will be based on a scouting jamboree. There would be an electronic campfire in front of the stage and tents put up on the site would serve as stalls. Tickets will be available at the Royal College Sports Complex, the RC Union office, Fashion Optics at Majestic City and Flower Road, Nastars and Khimyasagar.
- Thiruni & Marisa

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