affirmation significant: Ranil
Making a statement in Parlia ment on Friday on the Oslo Peace
Support Conference held last Monday, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe
said for the first time the LTTE affirmed to the international community
its commitment to find a negotiated political solution to the ethnic

handshake in Oslo: Premier Wickremesinghe meeting LTTE negotiator
Anton Balasingham at the Peace Support meeting in Oslo.
'This is a
significant achievement', the Prime Minister said.
The text of
the speech is as follows:
'Mr. Deputy
Chairman of Committees,
On my return
from Oslo at the conclusion of a most successful conference of nations
in support of the peace process, I wish to keep the House informed
of what was achieved for our country.
As you will
recall it has been my practice to do so regularly, at crucial moments
of the peace negotiations and I am happy to do so again in the spirit
of keeping Parliament informed, especially after the landmark event.
This is the
first ever conference of nations to pledge political support to
Sri Lanka and was summoned by the Royal Norwegian Government with
the concurrence of Sri Lanka. It was attended by friendly countries
and the European Union. The annual meetings of the donor nations
and multi-lateral institutions are solely for the purpose of pledging
development assistance to Sri Lanka. These meetings are summoned
by the World Bank a multi-lateral financial institution and are
attended at official level.
When I addressed
the House at the beginning of this year, I stressed on the need
to mobilize the international community. The drastic changes in
the local environment after September 11th were favourable to Sri
Lanka's objective of finding a negotiated political settlement of
the North-East conflict. We did not allow that opportunity to slip.
The Oslo conference was a fulfilment of that objective.
The Peace Support
meeting pledged its whole hearted support to the peace process which
has as its objective a political solution acceptable to all communities
within a unified Sri Lanka. For the first time the LTTE affirmed
to the international community its commitment to find a negotiated
political solution to the ethnic conflict. This is a significant
The Support
meeting also pledged financial support for reconstruction. The usual
practice is to provide financial aid after a peace agreement is
reached but realizing that peace is people driven in Sri Lanka,
the international community has decided to provide financial assistance
to us as the talks progress. Some of the donor nations made immediate
pledges for urgent humanitarian needs and for quick impact projects.
Financial assistance for Sri Lanka will be finalized at a meeting
of Donor nations and multi-lateral financial institutions to be
summoned in Tokyo by the Japanese Government.
]The Donor
nations also expressed concern at the slow rate of disbursement
of funds for development assistance by the government of Sri Lanka
in the last few years. The government is taking action to expedite
the process.
Following the
outcome of the Oslo meeting I have also instructed the government
delegation to the next session of talks to take up for discussion
some of the key issues relating to the consolidation of the MoU.
These will include the enforcement of law and order by government
agencies. Consolidation of the MoU is essential to move to the next
Mr. Deputy
Chairman of Committees, Hon'ble members.
As you would
have realized from the extensive coverage of the Oslo meeting, the
overriding gain for the government was the confidence of the international
community at the manner in which the process was proceeding. The
Peace Support meeting in Oslo which was attended by the representatives,
at a high political level, of more than 40 countries, secured the
fulfilment of our aspirations which were articulated in Thailand.
The Donor countries represented there were unanimous in their enthusiasm.
The goodwill that was expressed has been converted into pecuniary
resources for the country as a whole.
The discussions
between the two sides thus far, including at Oslo, have enabled
us to identify issues on which we were in agreement and take note
of the potential sources of tension, while putting in place mechanisms
to address the problems before they assume significant proportions.
We have now reached the stage when the political issues could be
addressed and expect to make progress in the near future with regard
to the framework in dealing with these issues in a coherent sequence.
This is the trajectory which began in Sattahip and involves the
identification of issues in respect of which the two sides could
work together.
I have always
believed that in a process of negotiations as complex and delicate
as this, sequence is as important as substance and a robust sense
of pragmatism must underpin the process as a whole.
My government
is happy with the progress achieved so far and the developments
which will occur within the next few months. The discussions in
Sattahip and Nakhom Pathom laid a strong foundation for the process.
Mr. Deputy
Chairman of Committees,
During my discussions
Dr. Anton Balasingham informed me that the concept of internal self
determination within a unified Sri Lanka would be in Mr. Prabhakaran's
speech. Mr. Prabhakaran's speech on heroes day expressed this objective
quite specifically. This encourages me to believe that the political
dialogue can be fruitful because the position of the two parties
is no longer incompatible.
The thrust
of the paradigm shift reflected in the statement of Mr. Prabhakaran
and Dr. Balasingham is that the LTTE no longer relentlessly pursues
the idea of a separate state but is content to consider substantial
power sharing within a framework of an unified Sri Lanka.
My government
recognizing as it does, the pluralistic character of our country
is resolutely committed to devolution of authority as the vehicle
for fulfilling the aspirations of all the people who inhabit this
As the initial
phase of a difficult process draws to a close and as we embark upon
the substantive phases of the negotiation process, I am conscious
of the new challenges, formidable in their character, that lie ahead.
The visit I
will undertake to Japan from 3rd to 7th December will bring in its
wake substantive benefits to our country. the government of Japan
has already extended an invitation to the parties to select Tokyo
as a venue for their monthly discussions in March next year. My
government has accepted this invitation with pleasure.
The culmination
of these developments will be the convening of a major conference
of Donors in Tokyo towards late spring next year, to which the donor
countries and my government look forward with eager anticipation.
I must also thank the Royal Norwegian government who convened and
hosted the Oslo meeting.
In my opinion
what we have all achieved at Oslo is to transfer the solution of
the ethnic conflict and the related issues from the battle field
to the negotiating table We must ensure that we move the process
forward. Therefore Oslo is a significant step. That 'One step' is
enough for me.'
Willing to settle for substantial autonomy: Prabha
LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran has declared that he
would favourably consider a political framework that offers substantial
regional autonomy and self-government to the Tamil people on the
basis of their right to internal self-determination.

Black Tiger suicide cadres at their heroes day parade. Pic.
by Buddika Weerasinghe
the organisation's policy in his annual Heroes' Day address on Wednesday,
the Tamil Tiger leader explained that the Tamil people want to live
in freedom and dignity in their own historical homeland pursuing
the development of their language , culture and economy and managing
their own affairs under a system of self-rule, a press release issue
by the LTTE said.
The LTTE leader
appealed to the Sinhala people to support the aspirations of the
Tamil for autonomy and self-government in their own lands. "If
our demand for regional self-rule based on the right to internal
self-determination is rejected, we have no alternative other than
to secede and form an independent state," the Tamil leader
declared, the release said.
satisfaction over the progress of the peace negotiations between
the government and his organisation, Mr. Prabhakaran said that the
keen interest shown by the international community over the current
peace efforts and their offer of humanitarian assistance to the
war affected population was encouraging, the release added.
"It is
our deepest desire that the current peace talks facilitated by Norway
should succeed and all the communities living in the island should
co-exist in harmony.", the LTTE leader had said.
The following
are extracts from the LTTE leader's statement :
"Our liberation
struggle has reached a new historical turning point and entered
into a new development stage. We are facing a new challenge. We
have ceased armed hostilities and are now engaged in a peaceful
negotiating process to resolve the ethnic conflict. Our sincere
and dedicated commitment to the peace process has falsified and
demolished the propaganda campaign carried out by Sinhala chauvinists
that we are enemies of peace.
Even on the
issue of ceasefire, we took the initiative. We declared a unilateral
ceasefire and called upon the government to reciprocate. The new
government, which assumed power with a mandate for peace, reciprocated
positively to our declaration of ceasefire. The mutually agreed
cessation of hostilities came into effect on 23 February under the
supervision of an international monitoring team. This ceasefire
has been in force for the past nine months. There have been several
provocative attempts by certain elements of the armed forces and
anti-peace racist forces to disrupt the peace process. There were
incidents in which several innocent Tamils were killed. Nevertheless,
we maintained a rigid discipline and observed peace. This is a clear
demonstration of our genuine commitment to the path of peace.
If a reasonable
settlement to the Tamil national question could be realised by peaceful
means we will make every endeavour, with honesty and sincerity to
pursue that path. Our political objective is to ensure that our
people should live in freedom and dignity in their homeland enjoying
the right of self-rule. If this political objective could be realised
by peaceful means, we are prepared to adopt that method.
We have never
shown any disinclination to win the political rights of our people
through peaceful means. We have participated in peace negotiations
at different places, at different times in different historical
circumstances i.e in Thimpu, in Delhi, in Colombo, in Jaffna and
now in Thailand. All previous attempts to a negotiated political
settlement ended in fiasco. These failures could only be attributed
to the hard-line attitude and deceitful political approaches of
previous Sri Lanka governments. Now, the government of Mr. Ranil
Wickremesinghe is attempting to resolve the problems of the Tamils
with sincerity and courage. Furthermore, the current ceasefire built
on a strong foundation and the sincere efforts of the international
monitoring mission to further stabilise it, has helped to consolidate
the peace process. The capable and skillful facilitation by the
Norwegians has also contributed to the steady progress of the current
peace talks. Above all, the concern, interests and enthusiasm shown
by the international community has given hope and encouragement
to both parties. The ideal approach is to move the talks forward,
systematically, step by step, standing on a strong foundation of
peace and building mutual confidence.
As a consequence
of the brutal war that continued incessantly for more than two decades,
our people face enormous existential problems. The social and political
infrastructures of the Tamil nation are in ruins. The cities, towns
and villages have been razed to the ground. Houses, temples and
schools have been destroyed. An ancient civilization that stood
on our lands for centuries has been uprooted. It is not possible
for our people to rebuild their ruined social and economic structures.
It is a monumental humanitarian problem. We hope that the international
community will view the problem sympathetically. We are relieved
to learn that international governments have come forward to assist
the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the war damaged Tamil nation.
Though there
is peace in the Tamil homeland, conditions of normalcy have not
been restored. Under the cover of 'high security zones', the Sinhala
armed forces are occupying residential areas and social, economic
and cultural centres. Forty thousand troops are occupying Jaffna
peninsula, which is a tiny geographical region with a dense population.
The military occupation is suffocating the civilian masses and causing
tensions. Jaffna, which is the cultural heartland of the Tamil people,
has turned into an open prison. The occupying forces are using the
civilians as their protective shields. As several villages, houses
and roads are entrapped by occupation several thousands of internally
displaced are unable to return to their residences. Unless this
problem is resolved there is no possibility for normalcy and social
peace to be restored to Jaffna.
It has always
been our position that the urgent and immediate problems of our
people should be resolved during the early stages of the peace talks.
The former government of Sri Lanka rejected our position. As a result
the peace talks broke down. There was a misconception on the part
of the former regime that we were hesitant to take up the fundamental
political issues and insisted on the resolution of the immediate
problems. But the present government has been taking concrete actions
redressing the urgent and immediate problems of our people. This
is a positive development.
The objective
of our struggle is based on the concept of self determination as
articulated in the UN Charter and other instruments. We have always
been consistent with our policy with regard to our struggle for
self-determination. Tamil homeland, Tamil nationality and Tamil's
right to self-determination are the fundamentals underlying our
political struggle. We have been insisting on these fundamentals
from Thimpu to Thailand. Our position is that the Tamil national
question should be resolved on the basis of these core principles.
Tamils constitute themselves as a people, or rather as a national
formation since they possess a distinct language, culture and history
with a clearly defined homeland and a consciousness of their ethnic
identity. As a distinct people they are entitled to the right to
self-determination. The right to self-determination has two aspects:
internal and external. The internal self-determination entitles
a people to regional self-rule.
The Tamil people
want to live in freedom and dignity in their own lands, in their
historically constituted traditional lands without the domination
of external forces. They want to protect their national identity
pursuing the development of their language, culture and economy.
They want to live in their homeland under a system of self-rule.
This is the political aspiration of our people. This constitutes
the essential meaning of internal self-determination. We are prepared
to consider favourably a political framework that offers substantial
regional autonomy and self-government in our homeland on the basis
of our right to internal self-determination. But if our people's
right to self-rule is rejected we have no alternative other than
to secede and form an independent state.
Racism and
racist oppression are the causative factors for rebellions and secessionist
politics. The Sinhalese people should identify and reject the racist
forces if they desire a permanent peace, ethnic harmony and economic
prosperity. They should support wholeheartedly, the efforts to find
a political solution by peaceful means. The Sinhalese people should
not oppose the Tamil's aspirations to manage their own affairs under
a system of self-rule in their own homeland. It is the politics
of the Sinhala nation that will eventually determine whether the
Sinhalese could peacefully co-exist with the Tamils or compel the
Tamils to secede.
We are pleased
to note that the talks between the government and the LTTE are progressing
forward under the conditions of mutual trust and goodwill. We are
encouraged by the interest shown by the international community
in the peace process and their willingness to offer assistance to
rebuild the war damaged economy of the Tamil nation. It is our deepest
desire that the current peace talks facilitated by Norway should
succeed and all the communities living in the island should co-exist
in harmony. If the Sinhala chauvinistic forces, for their own petty
political reasons scuttle this peace effort which has raised high
hopes and expectations and gained the support of the international
community, the Tamil people will be compelled to pursue the path
of secession and political independence."