What's all this fuss about a secret swearing-in
"Thaaththa," Bindu Udagedera asked, "what is all this fuss about a secret swearing-in ceremony for Satellite?"
"Satellite is supposed to have taken oaths again one year after she won the election…" Bindu's father Percy explained.

"And why would she do that?"
"They claim it would enable her to stay for six years after that instead of six years after the election…"
Percy said, "although I can't understand what all this fuss is about…"
"Why do you say that, thaaththa?" Bindu asked, "isn't it unfair to continue for more than six years from the day of the election?"

"Well, it has been going on for the last thirty years…" Percy observed.
"How is that, thaaththa?" Bindu wanted to know.
"Why, it was Satellite's mother who started it…"
"Why do you say that?"
"Why when we became a Republic in 1972, the lady said she had five years to serve from that day instead of the day she was elected on…"
"What happened then, thaaththa?"

"Well, the Old Fox who was leading the opposition then protested and even resigned his seat in Parliament…"
"Did anything come out of that?"
"Well," Percy recalled, "he seemed to have learned his lesson because when he came into power in 1977 he too said his term as President began when he took oaths as President in 1978 and not on the day he was elected…"
"But he didn't postpone elections, did he?" Bindu wanted to know.

"No, he did better than that and held no elections at all, holding a referendum instead…"
"But thaaththa," Bindu argued, "he did hold the presidential elections on time…"
"That he did," Percy agreed, "but then, he was no longer a contestant then…"
"So, thaaththa," Bindu said, "it looks as if only Dearly Beloved went gracefully…"
"That's true," Percy said, "although what puzzles me is Seeni Bola is now saying that Satellite had no such second swearing-in…"

"But the person who presided at the ceremony has confirmed that it indeed happened…" Bindu pointed out.
"Which can only mean that Seeni Bola was not Satellite's trusted faithful even when he thought he was…" Percy noted.
"But thaaththa," Bindu queried, "isn't there a difference between the extensions that all the previous leaders sought and the one that Satellite is seeking?"

"What's that?" Percy was puzzled.
"Why, thaaththa, all the previous extensions and ceremonies were done publicly even though there were protests but this was done in secret…"
"Which is the new trend in our judiciary…" Percy said.
"Why do you say that, thaaththa?"
"Why we have lawyers who are now called 'Poya Counsel' because they get suspects discharged by producing them in court on poya days…"
"What's that got to do with this?" Bindu wanted to know.

"Why, now we have 'Secret Ceremony' judges who conduct swearing in ceremonies in private…"
"It is not fair to call all of them 'Secret Ceremony' judges, thaaththa…" Bindu said.
"Then," Percy suggested, "may be we should call one of them the 'Ceremony Justice'…"
Bindu looked as if he was about to be impeached.

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