The Sinhala nation and the sudden rush of blood
There is general agreement in this country on one thing. It is that
our politicians have earned their disrespect. Last week has been
the week of denial. The President has been saying that the quibbling
is for nothing and that there is no real constitutional crisis.
But this is like seeing an elephant ten feet in front of you in
a narrow alleyway and saying you cannot spot it.
no matter how many rationalizations politicians and their lackeys
invariably make, it is a fact that the people have decided that
Sri Lankan politicians are an avaricious self centered, incompetent
lot in the main. Refer to the Letters to the Editor columns in newspapers
if any Martian who landed in Colombo yesterday needs any confirmation
on that.
while politicians have thus earned this moron status, it is questionable
to what extent the people contribute to this phenomenon as well.
In the main it can be said that the people are a wretched lot; wretched
because their politicians have not had a vision and because they
have practised a brand of raucous tub thumping parochial politics
which has created deep fractures within our community.
it had often been said that the people get the kinds of governments
they deserve. This is to some extent like saying that a child is
to blame for the "original sin'' he is born with. That used
to be the flawed logic of all child psychologists of a certain time
who were of the view that it's ''the original sin'' that makes infants
do the exact opposite of what parents tell them.
now it's known that "the original sin'' is healthy and that
a child's natural sense of wonderment at discovering new things
lends him or her to do the things that are most annoying to parents.
before launching onto more psychobabble it's probably correct to
say -- in the main again -- that Sri Lankan citizens are not to
blame for all the disasters that have been visited on them courtesy
their politicians. It's not their original sin.
the critical mass of opinion has never been heard above the political
rabble. Look what's happening now in the country. If Tamilnet reports
are correct, persons were assaulted at Ven. Soma Thera’s funeral
a couple of weeks back, on the basis that they looked Tamil or appeared
to be Christian.
there is a certain gung-ho anti Christian sentiment that's building
up to a climax. It's a basic case of a majority community feeling
prickly and irritated. It's coming at a time when there is no war,
and there are no LTTE suicide hit squads in Colombo. When there
was a war, the garrulous majority leaders had retired into their
shells. Perhaps the report of the bombs going off was so deafening
that it drowned out the anger of the prickly majority! Such short
brave Sinhala majority has had a sudden resurrection now, that they
are no longer cowed and are hiding from LTTE suicide squads. As
long as these bombers were there, majoritarian rabble of all hues
from Saffron to deep red were all taking shelter and heaving a collective
sigh, feeling lachrymose and hopelessly sorry for the Sinhala race.
But now that the LTTE hit squads have released their iron grip of
terror over Colombo, the jingoists have smoked themselves out of
their rabbit holes, and all the cowards are back on the streets
slugging people who look Tamil or appear to be Christian!
is how brave the Sinhala urban cowboy is. The aggrieved (those who
lamented that the Sinhala race is being bombed into extinction and
formed rear guard organizations such as the National Movement Against
Terrorism as a last resort against annihilation of the Sinhala race)
have now turned aggressor (Tamil basher, Buddhist aggressor or church
burner..) now that LTTE bombs are no longer going off from under
their ample behinds.
the majority Sinhala community is not responsible for this turnabout
- and though the majority Sinhala community essentially wants to
get about its business peacefully and not get enmeshed in any kind
of politicking -- the majority Sinhala community and the rest of
the peaceful members of this society have been unable to get the
lunatic fringe out of its way.
it is the lunatic fringe that creates problems out of nothing, or
rises to the bait of some foreign hand that wants to create dissension
in our society with various religious and communal bogeys. True,
any country will have a lunatic fringe that will rise to this bait.
whereas any country will have a critical mass of opinion that's
capable of getting this lunatic fringe to keep its lunacy to itself,
the lunatic fringe here often morphs into the mainstream. It can
be called the utter gullibility and apathy of mainstream Sri Lankan
opinion. To that extent, even if Sri Lankans do not deserve the
politicians they have got, it seems they have earned their lot because:
There is no people power as in the Philippines to get charlatans
and political pretenders out of power b) Eventually, whatever people
power is there is in the form of the lunatic fringe. Civic consciousness
equates to lunatic consciousness. The current cause of the lunatic
fringe is to open up a new front in national discord and acrimony
-- ie : a religious front.
may be a problem with unethical conversions, but the majority community
can handle that issue without going into an apoplexy that will tear
the nation apart. But the seeds of animus have already been sown
in the lunatic fringe by interested parties; maybe a foreign hand.
What's interesting is to watch the lunatic fringe in the process
of transforming itself into mainstream. |