
British Library to boost Jaffna library
The British Library has agreed to make available the services of its experts in order to assist in planning the future development of the Jaffna Library. Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar had discussions with British Library officials regarding the matter during his visit to London last week.

A specially commissioned film on the Jaffna Library was shown to the British Library authorities at this meeting. This film will be used further in the international campaign for assistance to the Jaffna Library.

The Foreign Minister has already secured the services of the New Delhi based British Council Regional Librarian for advice on the development of the library. Work on the restoration of the library, which was destroyed by vandals in 1981, was started in 1997 under the supervision of a committee appointed by the President and co-chaired by Ministers Lakshman Kadirgamar and Mangala Samaraweera.

Although an interim library was set up for the use of the city while restoration was taking place, all 30,000 books have now been transferred to the refurbished main library, which was opened for use in February this year.

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