
Debate without end
More on the happenings at the national television station but this time it is not the bickering staff but a reprimand from the top lady of the land. A newly introduced programme called "Juriya Obei" that came about as part of the new code of ethics introduced to Rupavahini by Media Minister Mangala Samaraweera has been on air for several weeks. Last week those on the panel consisted of Deputy Sports Minister Sripathi Sooriayarachchi, former Minister Jayalath Jayawardena, JVP's Sunil Handunetti and TNA Gajendra Kumar Ponnambalam. As the debate got under way, Dr. Jayawardena criticised the government for its many broken election promises only to have the deputy minister counter argue but not very effectively. Suddenly, the producer received a message from the control room asking to connect an important call to Mr. Sooriyaarachchi. As the programme was being aired live, the producer informed the moderator to interrupt the programme and go for a commercial break.The deputy minister rushed to the control room during the break to answer the call and on line was none other than the President herself. It was not to congratulate the deputy minister but to slam him for his poor performance.

However, Mr. Sooriayarachchi assured the President he had the necessary ammunition to tackle the situation and got back to the show. But things did not end there. Once the show was over, the two were seen arguing away in the lobby area of the Rupavahini Corporation.

Why target supermarkets?
It was only recently that the JHU parliamentarian Aturaliye Rathana Thero raised a matter of public importance in Parliament and asked that the sale of liquor in supermarkets be stopped.It was not clear what the logic behind such a call was when there are plenty of liquor outlets adjoining supermarkets in almost very town but logic apart Consumer Affairs Minister Jeyraj Fernandopulle seized on the chance to state that the government would ban the sale of liquor in supermarkets. The next day he went on to bring a copy of a gazette in which the Former Finance Minister K.N.Choksy has made regulations to allow such sales.

Anyway almost a month since the announcement that such a ban would take place, any visitor to a supermarket can see that liquor shelves are as full as ever and none other than in the Sathosa outlet which have the most varieties on display. Maybe the monks should be more convincing as to why it is bad to buy liquor from a supermarket and consume it and not so bad where other liquor outlets are concerned. After all the precept on non-consumption on alcoholic beverages does not discriminate between where one purchases the liquor.

Anxious moment
There was some anxiety among security personnel in Parliament when a envelope that had come in the name of a Cabinet Minister passed through the X-ray machine last week and the machine operators noticed something unusual. The bomb disposal squad was called in and on close examination it was discovered it was no letter bomb as suspected but a musical card.

Family trait
Tourism Minister Anura Bandaranaike arrived late at Thursday's press conference to launch the Tourism Plan for 2005, but he apologised for the delay saying that delays seemed to be 'catching on in the family'.

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